Chapter 5 Nico DiAngelo

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Piper's POV

I open my eyes and groaned a little as I felt my head pound. I probably would have thought that the whole demigod thing was a dream if it weren't for the fact that my side was wrapped up in bandages. ''Here'' a voice said, I turned my head to see Hazel with her arm outstretched to me holding out glass of water. 

''Thanks'' I said smiling slightly and gulped down the glass of water like hadn't drank in days. ''Um Hazel what happened after I got attacked'' I was curious to know what happened.

 ''Well'' she said ''after the Hell-hound pounced on you it clawed your side and you screamed, then Jason tackled it so that it rolled off of you and then stabbed it with his gladius."

 "Wow"I said thinking of what would have happened if Jason hadn't killed it. I swung my legs of the bed and stood up, met immediately with a wave of nausea and started to sway. 

"Piper!" Hazel said alarmed.

 "I'm good" I said, the nausea was starting to fade.

 "Well your one tough cookie" Leo said coming in with Jason behind him.

 "Hey, are you okay?" Jason asked concerned.

 "Yeah, thanks for you know saving my life" I said embarrassingly. 

"No problem" he said smiling at me, man he was so cute, wait what I so did not just think that, did I? 

"Come on guys" Frank said, "lets go back to the dinning pavilion". We walked back and the campers smiled reassuringly at me. 

"Good to see you back on your feet child". Suddenly there was a blinding white light that made me close my eyes, when I opened them there was a boy wearing black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, a skull ring, and he had shaggy black hair that fell over his eyes, he also had pale white skin and black obsidian eyes. There also happened to be about thirty monsters. The boy raised a black sword and closed his eyes, then pointed it at the ground and started to speak.

 "Skeleton warriors rise up!" The ground started to shake and skeletons started to poke through the ground, I though my eyeballs were going to fall out of my head. "Kill the monsters" he commanded them, they ran towards the monsters and started hacking at them with swords and their own bones. The boy then lowered his hands to the ground and a crack started to form, swallowing the left over monsters up. "Where in the gods name am I?!" The boy said looking around confusedly.

Conner POV

"Well" I said coming up to Nico after his whole monster destroying party, man the guy was almost as powerful as Percy. "The gods called some of us demigods to go to the past and give some advice to our past selves and tell them about the future and stuff, but the demigods that are coming don't know so they come straight from the war usually fighting a bunch of monsters". 

"Wow that was almost as blunt as Clarisse" Luke joked. Nico turned and stared at Luke.

 "Whoa Luke Castallean?" he asked me. 

"Yup he looks so innocent" I said glaring at him, was he already a traitor?

 "OMG IS THAT ME I'M SO COOL" a voice said, I turned at saw that it was ND. I looked back and forth from ND and Nico not believing how he used to act, I started laughing so hard tears came to my eyes ans had to lean against Travis who was doubled over. 

Nico ignored us. "Yup" he said, "I'm awesome". Clarisse and Katie facepalmed. 

"Wait are you a son of Hades?" an Athena camper asked Nico. 

"Yup" he said again, "it was hard for me at first but Percy really made me feel welcome here." PJ started blushing again, man even as a kid he was way to modest.

 "Why were you glaring at me though?" Luke questioned. I looked uneasily at the other future campers. 

"We'll tell you when the other future campers come" Katie said, the other campers nodded their heads. There was another blinding flash of light leaving, revealing Thalia Grace and 'surprisingly' some monsters.

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