Chapter 23 I Hate Being Electrocuted

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Annabeth's POV

 "Ok so we'll go to Percy's house first to tell his mom and Paul, but you guys are going to have to come to as proof" I said, looking at AC and PJ.

 They nodded, "I can't wait to see her" PJ said happily. 

Percy grinned. "Me too, even if it isn't from my time, I haven't seen her in about a year" he said thoughtfully. I smiled, I hadn't seen Sally in a while, she was like a mother to me.

 "Uh so what do we do while you guys are gone" Jason asked uncertainly. Percy shrugged.

 "Do whatever you want to do, go on a date, blow something up." Leo looked way to happy at the blow stuff up part. 

"Well were gonna get going, make sure they don't destroy the camp" I said, the last part directed at Piper, Hazel, Clarisse, and Katie. They laughed and saluted in response.

"Here we are" PJ said, as he stepped out of the yellow cab we had take to Percy's apartment. 

 "I hope she baked cookies" Percy murmured. I nodded in agreement, if you haven't tasted Sally's cookies you haven't lived. Percy draped his arm over my shoulder while PJ grasped AC's hand in his and we walked up to the elevator. I rolled my eyes as PJ and Percy fought over who would push the button. AC reached over and pushed it, the elevator doors closed with a ding.

 Both Percy's pouted. "He never changes does he" AC said laughing. I shook my head fondly.

 "He is right here you know" Percy said jokingly as we stepped out of the elevator. PJ walked over to a white door and knocked. There were foot steps followed by a click, the door opened revealing a smiling Sally. "Percy" she cried, throwing her arms around him. Percy winced, probably remembering how deadly his mom's hugs could be. Sally moved on to AC.

 "Nice to see you to" she AC choked out. I laughed and Sally turned to me smiling. 

"Hi i'm Sally Percy's mo-" she cut her self as she gaped at Percy and I. 

"Their us from the future" PJ said simply.

 "Um wow, just when I thought it couldn't get any crazier" Sally muttered. 

Percy let out a laugh."Oh this is just the beginning". We walked into the apartment when both Percy's froze. 

"What's wrong?" I asked suspiciously. 

"COOKIES" they both yelled and sprinted to the kitchen. 

"Sometimes I think he's a cookie bloodhound" I grinned shaking my head. 

"I'm glad to see that hasn't changed" Sally said laughing. Percy walked back into the room followed by PJ, hands full of cookies. 

"Want one?" Percy asked as he kissed me on the cheek. 

"You bet I do" I said grabbing one and taking a large bite, he laughed at my enthusiasm. Percy's laugh was pierced by a loud squeal.

 "Oh my gods you two are finally dating" Sally squealed happily, Percy grinned proudly which just made Sally squeal louder.

 "When do you guys get together" she asked, a smile plastered on her face.

 "Uh we actually got together on my birthday" PJ said, while reaching over to cover AC's ears. Sally's squeal could have rivaled Aphrodite's, and that's saying something.

"Hey Percy nice to see yo-" Paul cut himself off as he walked into the room. He stared at us all in shock. 

"I was in the bathroom for literally  five minutes and now there are two Percy and Annabeth's" Paul said shocked and confused. 

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