Chapter 13 Luke Castallean the truth revealed

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Thalia POV

"Wait" LC said stepping up, "you said that you would tell me about why you guys are mad at me once all the campers got here". We all looked at each other uneasily.

 "Okay fine who wants to explain" I asked. 

Percy sighed, "I'll do it". I gave him a grateful look, only Travis, Conner, Katie, Annabeth, Nico, Percy, and I knew about Luke. Nico didn't know the whole story, it was to emotionally hard for Annabeth, Travis, Conner, and I, so it was just down to Katie and Percy and Percy understood a bit better as he had fought Luke.

"Okay so basically your a traitor, you sided with Kronos to take down Olympus and Camp Half Blood" my  heart clenched at this, but Luke didn't deserve it. The campers looked horrified and Luke looked shocked.

 "B-but i would never d-do that" Luke stuttered. 

"Don't act like you don't know, you're already having dreams from Kronos aren't you" Percy asked. I was surprised how did Percy know that? 

"How do you know that" Luke questioned, by the looks on the future and past demigods faces they were wondering too.

 "Because I got the dreams too except that I never let them fool me into turning against my family" Percy said glaring a little at Luke. 

"Anyway on my first quest, so this year for you past campers, you gave me flying shoes to drag me into tartarus, not that I didn't end up there anyway" Percy said grimly. "Grover wore the shoes instead though, luckily me and Annabeth saved him before he got sucked in." GU looked scared out of his mind and betrayed, AC looked betrayed as well, and PJ looked really angry. "Then when we finished the quest and came back to Camp we both went into the forest where you set a pit scorpion on me." My mouth fell open, how did I not hear about this? 

"But those are the most poisonous scorpions on earth how did you survive" Hazel asked looking worried."

 "Well some tree nymphs helped me back to camp where I collapsed, a camper blew the emergency horn and called for help, and Chiron was able to cure me before I died, so yeah" Percy said shrugging his shoulder like it was nothing. 

"How are you acting like it was nothing" AC asked looking shocked.

 "I've been through way worse and I lost count of how many times I've nearly died" Percy said sheepishly.  Annabeth hit his arm and Percy pouted. I started to laugh at this usual occurrence with the other future campers.  

Jason's POV

Anyways during my second year at camp, you poisoned Thalia's tree but framed it on Chiron." The campers looked hurt, and I glared at Luke. "So Clarisse was picked to go on the quest, but Grover, Annabeth, and I snuck out and went to."

 "But isn't that against the rules" an Athena camper asked.

 "Yes but if we hadn't gone Thalia's tree would have died, plus you guys turned a blind eye just this once" Percy said winking. Annabeth slapped his arm again.

"Perce your setting a bad example".

 "What its not like I told them to blow stuff up like I did" he said. I facepalmed as TS and CS looked interested. "Anyway, we fought Luke on his boat full of monsters" Percy continued. Later when we had the fleece you attacked us, luckily I had sent the fleece ahead with Clarisse." 

"You gave it to Clarisse" Frank questioned, surprised, from what he knew Percy and Clarisse weren't on the best of terms. 

"Yeah" Annabeth said, "they fight a lot but they friends and have each others backs, they just won't admit it" she smirked. Clarisse scowled and Percy winked at her, making her scowl harder.

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