Chapter 19 Lunch Breaks = Food Fights

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Piper's POV

 Annabeth wrinkled her nose as she watched the boys shovel food into their mouth's. "Why don't we go out to the beach and have a picnic" Katie suggested as she saw Travis trying to take a bite of three burgers stacked on top of each other, which by the way was not working.

 "Great idea Katie" Thalia said shaking her head at the boys actions, Nico was practically inhaling his pudding, his spoon looking like a blur. We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a large picnic basket from one of the cabinets, we filled it with sandwiches, watermelon, juice, and cookies. 

I closed my eyes and sighed in content, the sunshine warmed my face and a slight breeze made the stands of hair that had fallen out of my braid fly. We had gone out to small clearing right by the beach and slayed out a picnic blanket and food. Our younger selves had joined us, not being able to stand the guys and their past selves eating like animals. "So uh when do Percy and I get to-um together" AC asked Annabeth, blushing. Oh gods they were so adorable together I thought happily, Annabeth smiled fondly.

 "We got together on Percy's sixteenth birthday actually" she said. 

"Aww that's so cute" KG squealed, the other girls nodded in agreement. 

"So do Travis and I seriously date" KG asked disbelievingly. 

"Yup" Katie said."I did so not see that coming though."

"We did" Annabeth and Thalia said in unison, Katie blushed. 

"Travis's logic was kind of stupid though, the more he pranked me the more he liked me, it was his way of showing his love I guess" Katie said shaking her head in amusement at Travis's actions.

 KG facepalmed. "Sounds like something Travis would think" she said laughing. 

"So me and Frank" HZ questioned, looking like a tomato, Hazel blushed as well, she's so innocent I thought she and Frank where perfect for each other! 

"Yeah we got together a little while before the Greeks arrived at Camp Jupiter, he's so sweet" Hazel exclaimed. HZ turned pink but smiled happily. 

"We should probably go check on the boys" Thalia said as she ate her fourth cookie, I nodded in agreement, who knew what they had gotten up to unsupervised.

 "Oh gods I hope they haven't done anything stupid" Annabeth groaned, Katie looked at her panicked. 

"What are we thinking of course they have" AC said, eyes wide we got up, packed up the picnic, and dashed toward the dining hall. I really hope they didn't blow up anything I thought slightly panicked, we can't leave them alone for five seconds can we?

No one's POV

The boys where in heaven, plates full of food surrounded them as they chowed down, empty pizza boxes and and take out containers littered the floor. Percy took a big bite of his cheeseburger and a tomato flew out, landing with a "smack" on Jason's forehead. Time seemed to freeze as the boys all stopped eating and looked at Jason. He reached up and pulled off the tomato before setting it down on the table, they looked on in horror as Jason grabbed a handful of ketchup smothered fries and flung them at Percy. Percy ducked and they flew over his head, hitting Grover in the head, ketchup dripped down his hair and he bleated in protest. Leo burst out laughing but was cut off by a pickle hitting him smack dab on his nose. "Oh so that's how it's going to be" he said, scooping up a handful of mash potatoes. 

"FOOD FIGHT" Travis and Conner yelled excitedly. 

 "Good for you Tracy and Cod" Dionysus said, not looking up from his wine magazine. 

The girls walked into the pavilion and gasped in shock at the site before them. Leo had created some kind of launching machine and was launching spoon fulls of mashed potatoes at the guys. Percy was decked out in kitchen utensils to protect himself from the food attack, a colander helmet, spoon sword, and pan shield. Travis and Conner had created a fortress of tables and where chucking food from behind it. Jason had bottles of condiments and was squirting them all around the room, Chris had created a gooey mixture of cake batter and mustard and was making snowball like shapes out of them, then chucking them at the guys. Nico was lurking around in the shadows and then shoving handfuls of spaghetti down the unsuspecting boy's shirts. Frank and Grover had teamed up to throw pot's of soup over the guys's heads and their past selves had gone into a food chucking frenzy, food was flying left and right.

"WHAT IS GOING O-" Annabeth was cut off by a flying pancake hitting her right in the face. Everyone froze and looked at Annabeth in fear. Annabeth shook the pancake off and calmly walked over to a table. She picked up a apple a tossed it in her hand a few times, the campers continued to look at her warily. Suddenly she chucked an apple straight at PJ. Not having his future self's reflexes it hit him straight in the stomach, making him fall down with an "oof". It was chaos after that, the girls banded together against the boys and it was a full out food war. 

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE." The campers dropped whatever food they where holding and spun around to see an angry Chiron. "I expect better from you guys, your supposed to be mature, not setting a bad example for your younger selves."

 "Sorry Chiron" they all muttered. 

"Now you all have to clean this up" Chiron said. Percy's face suddenly lit up, the campers looked at him strangely. Percy couldn't even be bothered to clean up his room never mind the whole dining hall. Suddenly water was blasted around the room, the demigods shut their eyes and turned away. The water stopped and they looked around to see a sparkling clean dining hall and a proud looking Percy. 

"AWESOME" PJ yelled, "I'm so doing that to my room" he exclaimed excitedly.

 "Yeah you might not want to try that" Percy said sheepishly. "Trust me it does NOT work."

 Annabeth facepalmed but her lips where twitching. "What am I going to do with you guys?" Chiron asked, shaking his head in amusement and exasperation.

 "Give us cookies" Leo suggested, Travis and Conner cheered at that. 

The girls and Chiron looked at them disbelievingly. "You guys just ate practically the entire food supply, and the food supply is unlimited" Piper exclaimed shocked. The guys just shrugged. 

"We're growing boys" Chris protested.

 "More like garbage disposals" Clarisse said. 

"Okay I'll gather the rest of the campers, it's time to finish the story" Chiron said.

 "Yup and then travel to infinity and beyond" Conner said dramatically. Cue facepalms

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