Chapter 18 The Battle of Olympus

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 I felt like my head was about to blow up, first I meet my future self, find out that i'm one of the most powerful demigods in the world, that i'm engaged to my best friend, I nearly get killed about a billion times, and now i'm about to find out about how I lead an army to victory; So you know nothing special. "Okay so it's time for the tale of my fifth quest" Percy said mysteriously.  

"Shut up and start telling the story prissy" Clarisse said annoyed.

 "What do you want me to do shut up or tell the story" Percy asked smirking, Clarisse glared and threw a rock at Percy's head, he ducked just in time, thank god, I didn't want to be mentally unstable in the future. 

"Dude I could have died" Percy cried dramatically, AC rolled her eyes.

 "Gods your so dramatic" she said turning to  me, I did the mature thing and stuck my tongue out at her.

 "Okay I was taking Paul's car for a spin with Rachel during summer break when my Pegasus named Blackjack landed on the roof".

 "Who's Paul" I asked curiously.

 "My new step-father, he's awesome" Percy replied smiling.

 "So no Smelly Gabe" I asked hopefully, the campers tensed and AC gritted her teeth.

 "Awe you care" I teased AC.

 "Of course I do, nobody should have to go through that" she said seriously, I looked at her in shock. 

"Yup I took care of him" Percy said smiling evilly, people looked at him warily. I smiled, he deserves whatever I do to him in the future.

 "What did do you to him" PM asked curiously.

"I turned him into a statue with Medusa's head and sold him to an art gallery" Percy exclaimed happily, that evil smile still on his face. 

"Awesome" I yelled happily, he's finally gone! 

"Wait where did you get Medusa's head from" CLR asked excitedly, probably wanting to know if their was bloodshed.

 "Oh I forgot, I killed her when I was twelve" he replied nonchalantly, great I'm gonna kill Medusa this year I thought, this is so confusing!

 "So anyway" Percy continued. "Beckendorf was riding Blackjack, our plan was to sneak onto Krono's ship and set up some Greek fire to blow up the ship, getting rid off all the monsters on the ship." 

"Of course anything to do with an explosion and Percy's there" Leo said, snickering.

 "I don't blow up that many things" Percy protested, Annabeth scoffed and I had to agree. I've already blown up a canon, a shark tank, and two schools, never mind what I blow up in the future!

 "Percy you've blown up a mountain, two national monuments, a fleet of police cars, two gyms, an ice berg, and that's after I met you" Annabeth exclaimed, everyone's mouth's fell open, including mine, holy Poseidon I blow up a lot of things! 

AC stared at me wide eyed, "what else did you blow up" she asked curiously. The other demigods turned towards me, waiting for my answer. 

"Uh a canon, a shark tank, two schools, and Zeus blew up a car because I was in it" I said, trying to remember everything. The campers looked at me in shock, surprise, and amusement while the future campers just shook their heads in reassignment.

"Oh Percy" Hazel sighed. 

"What?" we both asked.

 "THAT'S SO AWESOME WE'RE GOING PRANKING TOGETHER" TS, CS, Travis, and Conner yelled, they looked at each other weirdly and started to have a staring contest.

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