Chapter 12 Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

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Percy POV

 Suddenly the gods disappeared. Yup, there was just a flash and they were gone like that , no joke. Suddenly a piece of paper appeared on the ground in the center of the pavilion. I walked over and picked it up in my hands. "Sure something that might be dangerous and Percy is the first to pick it up, what a surprise" Nico said sarcastically. I did the mature thing and stuck out my tongue, then saw that the piece of paper was a note.  

"Dear demigods, we have decided to take the gods out though we will bring them back for certain parts of the story. We have done this because they will all probably try to kill Percy at some point and that it turns out the world gets kinda chaotic without the gods, the underworld getting crazy, storms, ect. - the future gods". 

"Why would they want to kill you though" PM asked. 

"Well i'm not the most respectful and I've beat their buts in battle a couple times, plus I just have a natural talent for ticking gods off" I replying trying not to laugh at the looks of shock on the campers faces, resulting in a snort/hiccup thing. The campers looked at me like I had just sprouted antlers and flew to the moon, Jason snickered.

"Anyway my quest first began a little while after I had become a demigod" I started. "I went to Yancy Academy, one of my many, many schools".

 "Yuck I hated it there especially Nancy" PJ said wrinkling his nose in distaste.

 "Gods don't remind me" I said, man I hated that girl. "Anyway, we went on a field trip to a museum, it basically consisted of Mr.Brunner aka Chiron telling us about Greek and Roman mythology. When we were eating lunch, Nancy started teasing Grover and hit him in the back of the head with ketchup and peanut butter sandwiches." The future campers and PJ started to growl at that while Grover blushed and GU looked kind of suprised that they cared so much. (Just pretend that Grover was always there, GU is younger Grover) "Well, I got really, really, mad and-" I said but Travis, Conner, and  Nico cut me off.

 "Cue kick ass Percy time!" the all called in unison. 

 "A bit advice NEVER get Percy mad especially if you insult or hurt his family or friends unless you want to die" Nico said, Travis and Conner nodded in agreement with the rest of the future campers, I turned beet red, man I have to stop blushing. 

"Anyways, I was furious and the next minute Nancy was enjoying the infamous luxury of sitting in a fountain" I said smirking as the campers laughed.

 "She totally deserved that" Piper said having dealt with her own share of girls like Nancy.  

"So Mrs.Dods my evil math teacher told me to come with her inside, at first I thought she was going to yell at me or something but she started growling and turned into a fury". The campers gasped, Percy fought a fury? " I was mentally panicking when Chiron came in and threw me a pen"

 "Why would he throw you a pen?" a Demeter camper asked.

 "Well I uncapped the pen and it turned into a deadly sword called Riptide" I said uncapping Riptide the camper gasped and looked on in awe. "I would have stood there gaping like an idiot but the furry charged so I did the first this that came naturally, I swung the sword" 

"How does that come naturally" Leo waving his hands dramatically. I shrugged my shoulders I guess it was my ADHD or something. 

"So there I was in a museum with a pen and no Mrs.Dodds, I walked outside and asked Chiron where Mrs.Dodds was but he said that there had never been a Mrs.Dodds and he took my pen away."

 "That must have been confusing" Chris stated. Clarisse gave him a 'no duh' look.

 "So the school year passed by with nothing eventful except that I heard Grover talking to Chiron about the Winter Solstice" 

"Yup not eventful at all" Annabeth said. 

"Hey I thought sarcasm was my thing" I said pouting and Annabeth roller her eyes, though her lips were quirked in a smile. 

"So finally it was time to go home and I couldn't wait to see my mom" the girls awed at this and the future campers nodded remembering how awesome Sally is.

 "Though there was also the matter of Gabe" I said, The Campers all growled at his remembering the conversation they had earlier, fury spiking in many of their eyes. " I walked home and the first thing Gabe asks is if I have any money for his gambling" 

"What the Hades that is no way to welcome someone home" Thalia growled.  Nico looked like he wanted to say something about using his dads name as a curse word but he still looked mad about the welcoming I had gotten. 

Nico POV

"I gave him the money because if I didn't or I told my mom he would punch my lights out" Percy said matter factually like it was an everyday thing. That got my blood boiling and people looked ready to kill.

 "That guy is such a f-" Jason got cut off my Piper's hand.

 "There are kids here" she said.  I honestly didn't care and wanted Jason to finish his sentence. 

 "So I walked into my 'bedroom' which stunk of Gabe's cigarettes and beer, he did his best to make it a hell hole, not that it was close to it" Percy said grimacing, thinking of tarturus. I swallowed thinking of my time spent there.

 "How would you know though" an Ares camper asked snootily, Percy's eyes darkned. 

"Because I've been there" the campers gasped and recoiled in shock, looking horrified. "So have Nico and Annabeth" the campers looked at us, eyes wider than dinner plates.

 "How did you survive" one of the Athena campers exclaimed. 

"We really don't want to talk about it" Annabeth said darkly.  AC looked terriffied, ND scared, and PJ worried.

 "Anyway let's go back to the story" Percy said giving a small smile. 

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