Chapter 10 Percy.J and Luke.C

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No Ones POV

Percy.J met backbiter with clang, both P.J and Luke.C had their swords locked. "Give it up Jackson there's no way your going to win!". Percy.J kicked Luke.C in the stomach, letting out a grunt, they both began to circle each other, waiting for the other to strike. Luke launched forward, an attack that should have slashed his chest, ended up grazing Percy.J's arm as he deflected it with an expert move from riptide. the campers gasped and looked on in awe and horror. They were both amazing swordsmen, but this didn't look like just another training session, they were both out for blood but why and who was fighting for the right cause? Luke.C pressed forward but Percy.J back-flipped out of the way, then slashed at Luke.C's legs, earning a small growl of pain. "Give up we all know how this is going to end, with the Olympians laying at Kronos's feet!" Luke snarled with venom. The campers gasped and recoiled in shock, except the future campers of course. Luke had been their hero, who had gone on a quest, and had helped save Annabeth and Thalia, how could he betray them like that? AC was horrified, Luke had taken her in, been there for her, had been her only family, he couldn't betray her like that, he promised!

Percy's POV

I decided to step in, I knew that this fight would probably go on forever. "Hey so i'm Percy Jackson from the future, and we've all been sent to the past to tell the past campers about the future and give advice and stuff and I decided to stop this fight because I know it's going to go on forever until someone nearly gets drowned or saved by party ponies or kicked of a mountain." Their looks were priceless, a mix of shock, surprise, alarm, and and the universally known 'what the Hades is going on' expression.

 "Way to be blunt Prissy" Clarisse snicked. The campers looked at her with a ' are you serious' expression.

 "Oh my god its just like one of my moms weird soap operas!" Percy.J exclaimed. Everyone looked at us (the Percy's. \

"Seriously Perce" snickered Leo, I halfheartedly scowled.

 "HOLY POSEIDON I LOOK LIKE A SUPER HERO!" Percy.J shouted, then blushed at the looks he was receiving. 

"Behold Percy Jackson savior of Olympus everybody" Travis and Conner said, snickering, my face flushed red, I bet I could rival Grover's after a new camper called him a donkey. 

"Wait savior of Olympus" Luke.C asked, scowling. 

"Yes savior of Olympus, unfortunately your little plan to bring back Kronos and bring down Olympus didn't work." Annabeth snarled. The campers gasped, then glared at Luke and Luke.C. 

Luke.C looked taken a back before he snarled. "So stupid little Percy saves Olympus huh, I bet its all a fluke how could he do anything he's a wimp, a coward!" 

Percy.J's and PJ's faces went red, their eyes narrowing in anger, along with the rest of the campers. I was fuming, how dare Luke call me a coward, after all the things I've done, the horrors I've faced, memories that would haunt me forever! Normally I hated using my full title but this was en exception. "Percy Jackson" I said holding out my hand mockingly "Savior of Olympus, Retriever of the Lightning Bolt,  Defeater of Ares,  Defeater of Medusa, and various other monsters, Retriever of the Golden Fleece, Survivor of Circe, Survivor of the Sea of Monsters,  Barer of the Sky, Savior of Artemis, Tricker of Atlas, Wanderer of the Labyrinth, Founder of Pan, Defeater of Kronos Titan of Time, Defeater of Giants, Survivor of Tartarus." Luke.C, Percy.J's, PJ's, the futures campers (not including Annabeth), and the entire camps jaws fell open, eyes nearly popping out of their heads, sure the future campers had heard of a few of Percy accomplishments, which were amazing, but not all of them, they were blown away. 

"Hey seaweed brain I think you forgot something" Annabeth said innocently, AC though still shocked by Percy's titles, smiled at the silly nickname. 

"What might that be Wise Girl" my anger fading away. 

"My fiance of course" wrapping her arm around my waist as I draped my arm around her shoulders, smiling. There was a loud thump, and Percy.J was sprawled on the floor. The future campers facepalmed, and I blushed furiously.

 "Seriously Perce" Katie said shaking her head though there was a smile on her face, Leo, Travis, Conner, Jason, and Nico started snickering. I shot another stream of water at Percy.J who woke with a start and stood up quickly an embarrassed smile on his face, I couldn't help but snicker and Percy.J and PJ stuck their tongues out at me, I started laughing. Luke.C was scowling, and Luke looked uncomfortable, there were a lot of glares being thrown around. 

"So we might as well start telling the campers about the future" said Piper. \

"So who wants to hear about my first quest" I said, rubbing my hands together. 

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