Pinky Promise

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My name is Dexter Richard Cole. My sister got to pick my name, but she never told me why she choose Dexter. I don't know if it's her dad's name or what, but it would be cool to know. I found out when I was about eight years old that Scarlett was only my half sister. Then I found out Remus was only my half brother. Even if we are half, I couldn't love them anymore. It's weird being fifteen and having a thirty-three year old brother, and a thirty-one year old sister. Scarlett hates when I bring up her age. Which of course makes me do it even more.

Scarlett found out when she was younger that because of health problems (which everybody is shaky to talk about) she could never have kids. I feel extremely bad for her. She would make a great mom. She didn't raise me growing up, but she may as well have. She almost treats me like her own kid. She was even aloud to pick my god-father! His name is Max. Apparently he became a really big part of her life when she was going through some bad things. But I don't understand what's bad about her life. Mom and Dad are great! I mean, I know Richard probably replaced Scarlett's real dad, but that doesn't give her much reason to claim to have a bad life.

Everyone in our family is really, very cautious to use the words 'suicidal, self harm, eating disorder, rape, abuse,' those things. I feel like I'm being left out in something really important. But all the same I through it in the back of my mind.

I was once playing at my friend Carson's house. I was playing with his cat, Mew-Mew. Mew-Mew scratched my arm pretty badly. It was bleeding for a while, and left nasty lines on my arm. Which is another thing about my sister. I never get to see her's. Scar is always wearing pants and long sleeves around me. Max does most times, but I've already seen his arm. He has faded scars, but has never talked about them. Hell, he never talks about his past.

Anyways...After Mom saw my arm from the damn cat, she freaked out, and started hugging me, and crying, saying, "I love you. Please don't." I then explained the story, and it actually took her a while to believe me.

It was Friday after school, and I was spending the night at Scarlett's apartment. It was pretty nice. There were two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Scarlett had the bedroom with the joining bathroom, and gave the other one to me. I was basically allowed to do what I pleased with it, as long as it was appropriate. I've really always wanted this type of bonding with Remus, but he soon started a family. Something that is difficult for Scar to have.

I did babysit for Remus, and we hung out a lot, so we did have our brother bonding time. It was just different than my sister's time.

Scarlett wasn't always sure what to do with me, so a lot of times she called her friend,Max over. He had a son almost three years older than me, and daughter about a year older than me. I thought it was weird that Scar and Max were themselves five or six years apart, they wouldn't have met in school... but I they never told me the full story on how they met. They said 'he was just there at the right time.' I let it drop, but it always sparked my interest.

"Scar, it's like, eighty degrees in here, why are you wearing long sleeves?" I rolled my eyes at what she was wearing.

"Babe, it's nothing. I just don't like showing my arms." She said.

"You act like I'm going to judge you for something about them. Or I might freak out."

"Dex, drop it."

"Scar, we share everything!"

"Dexter, enough!"

Oh great, now I made her mad.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"Dex, it's okay, I'm sorry I snapped." She sat by me.

"You know, I don't think we do share everything. I think I share, and you lie. Well, not really lie, but keep things hidden. As does Mom and Dad, and well, everybody!"

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