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"You said I would be your first. So you'd rather die?" I sat in my own hospital bed. All I have is a slight concussion, and they need to watch for bleeding. I was asleep for four hours, but still tired. Otherwise, I'm still in the same shitty shape. I haven't been allowed visitors yet, so I doubt Landon can have any. Well, if he's alive that is. They said the only reason I can't know is for stress purposes.

My stress levels aren't down any when I don't know if my boyfriend-my best friend- my brother is dead or alive.

"Can I at least see Trev?" I asked a couple of nurses.

"Who?" One asked.

"Trev. Doctor Trevor. Early twenties, light blonde hair, Light blue-almost silver eyes."

"I'll see if he's available." One smiled and left. The other one was now trying to get a hold of my parents.

I had my hands folded in my lap, and felt the tears hit the blanket on top of me.

"Dexter?" A soft voice spoke. I wanted it to be Landon. I didn't want to see the person and be disappointed.

I knew it wasn't him.

"Hi, Trev." I didn't bother to try wiping my tears away.

"How are you feeling?"


"Why? Emotions, physical pain? What's wrong?"

"It's all my fault. I was signing, then... he laughed, so I... stuck out my tongue... then he licked it..., and I spit on his floor...and he laughed...so...we...crashed." I cried.

"Sh, sh. It's okay." He wrapped his arms around me, in a tight hug.

"It's my fault!"

"No, it's okay. It's not your fault." He stroked my hair and rubbed my back. He must have picked that up from watching Landon do it. It felt like him.

"Is he dead?" I whispered.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." He replied in a hush tone.

"Please! You have to! Please Trev!" I started coughing, and clutched onto his shirt. Trev reached down and grabbed a bin.

Landon took me for breakfast this morning. I ate it, and didn't puke.

"He pinky promised...that he would always...be here...and I need him here!" I cried, and threw up my breakfast. "And that I...could be his first...And I can't if he's dead!"

"Dexter, you have to calm down." Trev told me.

"No! I can't! I just..."

"Dex, shh. It's okay."

"He's not okay! He wasn't breathing in the car! He was twisted and cracked, and he wasn't responding!"

"Dexter, I'm serious, calm down." His voice was rough.

"But Landon's Dead! I know he's fucking dead!"

Trev sighed. "He died right away on impact."

I knew that. But the news still hit me hard. It tore apart everything I had in me. I was shattered inside.

I was nothing.

"Dexter, please say something."

"What's that point? Everything is useless without the greatest person ever." I whispered, sitting still.

"We, um, still haven't gotten a hold of your parents yet, but your brother and sister are here. Along with your friends." Trev told me.

I nodded. "Can they come in?"

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