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"Dexter." A voice said softly to me. It was beautiful and perfect.

"Landon." I sang back, hoping to gives him chills like he gave me.

"Dexter." it repeated.

"Landon." I followed, then started laughing. I had tears rolling down my face, but it wasn't from being upset.

"Dexter, can you sit up for me?" he asked.

"Okay." I caught my breath. "I love you so Damn much." I held my arms out. Landon hesitated at first, and I wasn't sure why.

"Landon please!" I begged.

He was still shaky, but finally sighed and gave him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight, not wanting to let go. Landon was weary of my back, but still held on to me. I breathed in deep, catching his scent.

"You're not Landon." I realized and shoved him away.

"Dexter, it's the medicine. It can at tricks." He said, cautiously, trying to make sure I didn't get upset.

"Is Landon here?"

"Yeah, he's been in and out. He loves you, Dex."

"Okay. Can I go get him?" I darted getting up.

"I'll go. You stay here." he laughed. "I am the most active kid, you can't confined me to a bed!" I shouted after him.

"I don't think you need anymore happy pills." he replied.

"So I heard you were screaming for me again." Landon smiled in the doorway.

"Of course. Landon, I'm so sorry." I looked away.

"Dexter, now isn't the time to say sorry and play around with who messed up the most. You need to relax, and watch your back."

"Who walked in?" I asked, faintly remembering the events.

"Mr. Austin. Guess what!" He was happier all of a sudden.

"What?" I was worried.

"The guys who did this: Andy and his group, they are all expelled, of course, and even getting jail fines!"

"Oh." I felt ill.

"Oh? No, this is great!"

"Why? Because I was a little pussy and couldn't defend myself? Because I'm weak and a freak and too fucked up that I can't even kill myself? This is awful! Everyones going to hate me! They are going to make fun of me!" i was shaking almost violently.

"Dexter, don't have a panic attack. You know you always puke." And there I was, being held in Landon's arms again. They were actually his. The warmth, the passion, the scent.

I controlled myself, and calmed down before I threw up on my best friend.

"So, um, how bad is my back?" k forced a smile, no matter how fake it looked.

"It's pretty awful." He was honest.

"So I've heard." I snorted. "I saw Danny."

"Really?" we were making small talk. Trev was still in the room, and we wanted to make our conversations not too bad.

"It was different."

"He called you Mom." Landon laughed.

"Doesn't he always." I rolled my eyes.

"Why does he do that?"

"I'm always worrying about him. Watching out for him..."

"Like a mom?"

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