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{Okay...I feel like I'm completely boring my readers with this story...Please tell me if I am! I love honesty}


"Landon, I'm not liking this." I said for the hundredth time.

"Calm down." He laughed.

"I'm not liking this." I repeated. He had already stopped to change. He made me change as well, which frightened me some. It was casual clothing, jeans and tee-shirts, but they were nice ones.

"Just sing. That always makes everything better."

"No. I hate my voice."

"I like it." He put his arm around me.

"Life's too short to even care at all. Woah-oh. I'm loosing my

mind, loosing my mind, loosing control. Oh.

These fishes in the sea they're staring at me oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

A wet world aches for a beat of a drum


If I could find a way to see this straight

I'd run away

To some fortune that I should have found by now

I'm waiting for this cough syrup to go down."

"Happy song, Dex." Landon interrupted me.

"I'll sing what I damn please." I laughed.

"Haven't been to church. Since I don't remember when. Things were going great. Til they fell apart again. So I listened to the preacher. As he told me what to do. He said you can't go hating others. Who have done wrong to you. Sometimes we get angry. We must not condemn. Let the good lord do his job. You Just pray for them.

I pray your brakes go out running down a hill. I pray a flower pot falls from your windowsill. And knocks you in the head like I'd like to. I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls. I pray you're flying high, when your engine stalls. I pray all your dreams, never come true. Just know wherever you are, Honey, I pray for you. I'm really glad I found my way to church. 'Cause I'm already feeling better and I thank God for the words. So I'm gonna take the high road, and do what the preacher told me to do. You keep messing up. And I'll keep praying for you! I Pray your tire blows out at 110. I pray pass out drunk with your best friend. And wake with his and her tattoos. I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls. I pray you're flying high, when your engine stalls. I pray all your dreams, never come true. Just know where ever you are. Near or far, in your house or in your car. Where ever you Honey, I pray for you. I pray. For you.

"I love you too, Dexter."

"Now I'm giving you the one in the middle, the one that's a little bit longer. And I've got another one. One my other hand, so I can say it even stronger!" I sang next.

"You're so nice." He laughed.

"I like music." I said, simply.

"And I like you." He kissed the top of my head.

"You aren't taking me to out to eat, are you?" I asked, starting to panic some.

"I didn't plan on it. But we can. Anything for you."

"How do you love me?" I asked quickly, before it left my mind.

"What do you mean?

 "I mean, do you love me like a brother, a friend, a boyfriend?"



"I don't know..."


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