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{Message to readers: Please don't kill me!}

"Danny, what the fuck do you mean I don't Remember?" I was almost shouting. "I have nothing to be depressed about. Nothing happened. There are no 'bad, forgotten, traumatizing, events pushed in the back of my head."

"Dex, I- we.."

"Danny! What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dexter, calm down." Landon and Trev came in.

"Landon what the fuck is Danny talking about? What don't I Remember?"

"D-Dex, I don-Don't know."

"Come on, Dexter." Trev tried guiding me to the wheelchair.

"Fuck you!" I yanked my arm away from him. I heard a pop, and ignored the pain shooting down to my elbow. I brought my leg up and kicked away the damn wheelchair, sending it backwards into a couple machines. I took off Trev's coat and threw it at him."Don't you ever try and help me. I don't care if I'm upstairs screaming from the pain, I want you to stay away from me." I kept my voice strong, and my body straight.

"Dexter?" Danny called after me, as I stood in the door frame.

"What?" I didn't turn around.

"Don't hate me."

"I could never." I told him softly. "Pinky Promise."

"I hope." I barley heard him say.

"Dex! Dexter Cole!" Landon ran after me. We were in the parking lot.

"What!" I yelled. A couple with a baby carrier gave us weird, and unhappy looks. "What the hell do you want from me? Because I sure as hell know I want fucking answers!" My voice was cracking and my tears were welling up in my eyes.

"Baby, just calm down." Landon came to put his arms around me, but I jumped back.

"What don't I remember?"

"I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking about. That's something you need to talk with Carson and Seth about." I looked in eyes. They were nothing but truth.

"Can you take me to school?" I asked him.

"I shouldn't. Everyone will see you're back, and it just isn't probably the best idea."

"Will you take me, or should I go by myself?"

"Get your ass in the car, Cole." He sighed.

We pulled up to the building. It was lunch time. A lot of kids were eating outside, and dropped everything when they saw me walk in the building, showing off my back. It looks as if I had the words tattooed on me.

Walking to my usual table, Seth and Carson were sitting there, extremely bored.

"What the fuck don't I remember!" I slammed my hands on the table. All conversations in the lunchroom hushed, and all eyes were on us.

"DC?" Carson stood up.

"I'm not kidding. Tell me." I snarled.

"There's a lot of shit people don't remember. I don't know what you don't remember."

"I was talking to Danny, and I told him about my little issue last night. I said I have nothing to be depressed for, and he's like 'You don't remember?' And I'm like..What! So tell me what the fuck he means!" It took so much to not wrap my hands around his throat and choke the damn answer out of him.

"DC, this isn't something to talk about here. And I shouldn't be the one to tell you. We can go see Danny tonight, and-"

"I'm not going back there. I just got out."

"No, if you want to know then you have to come. Understand?"

"Dexter, you need to go home." I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I turned around and Mr. Curry was giving me a sympathy look.

"Can't stand my back?" I hissed, and stormed away.


"Dex, why are you here? Are you okay?" Trev came up to me.

"Can we see Danny?" I ignored his question.

He shook his head, and let us in. Danny was sitting up in his bed, playing on his IPod.

"Can you tell me?" I asked calmly and patiently. The opposite of what I was on the inside.

"Look, Carson, can you tell him what you know, and your side?" Danny wasn't looking good.

Carson was now looking glum as well, but shook his head. Seth sat at the foot of Danny's bed, Carson sat in a rolly chair, and I sat in Landon's lap in a different chair.

"It was the first time you got high with us." Carson's tone was low and sad. "You were high-high. It wasn't just a buzz. It was before you were actually clingy. We think it's the reason you're clingy. And emotional. You were messing around, and didn't come out as gay, but we could sense something. You and Danny went into his room for a while, and you came out crying. Danny had a look of regret all over his face. You were crying and bleeding so badly."

It was coming back. The pain. The fear. I was safe around Landon. Nobody will ever mess with me with him.

I felt lighter than usual. Like everything slipped from my body.

"You were so innocent, and sweet, and vulnerable." Danny started tearing up. "I just...You tried to stop it, But I was bigger, and you were too high."

I tried standing up, but my legs gave out. Everything was giving out.

One of my best friends took advantage of me.

"Dexter? You need to respond." I was still in Danny's room, but there were more nurses and doctors.

"Where's Reece?" Was the first name from my lips.

"Dex, you're always giving me new names when you wake up." Trev laughed.

"Hun, let's get you home." Landon said, lifting me off of him.

"Momma?" I heard Danny.


"Do you hate me?"

"I told you that I could never hate you." I whispered. " I won't be back for a while, though." I told him.

"I understand." He nodded. Just because I didn't hate him doesn't mean I can't fear him, feel betrayed by him, or disgusted with him.

"Take me to Scarlett's." I snapped at Landon. He didn't hesitate or question.

"Dexter, what's wrong, Honey." Scarlett opened the door to find me shaken, and ill.

"Scar, how did you deal with your problem?" I asked her, breaking down into tears.

"Why? Dex, what happened?"

"If you answer honestly I will too."

"I-I cut myself and starved myself." She gulped.

"You didn't tell me that if i didn't tell you this."

"It depends."

"No! That's how it's going to work."

"Deal." She hesitated.

"I-I think I was raped."

There was a long moment of silence.

"Dexter, you deal with it like I did."

"I won't."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise. I pinky promise."

No, if that's how my hero dealt with it, it's how I'll deal with it.

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