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"Boys," Mr. Curry began.

"Where the hell's Danny?" Seth jumped up, beating me to the question.

"Seth, please, let me talk." Mr. Curry said softly. "Danny was driving to school today, right?"

"Yeah, his brother got his license revoked, so Danny drove Devin to school. Why?" Carson spoke.

"There was an accident. I've spoken to Danny's mother, and she gave me permission to say this to you. They found substances in Danny's car."

"Like what?" I whispered. This can't be happening. It can't!

"Marijuana, shrooms, acid, methamphetamine, and alcohol. Danny went through the windshield."

I couldn't listen anymore. I found myself clutching onto Carson's arm.

"Jesus." He whispered, pulling his arm away quickly staring at the four red dots from my finger nails.

I was sorry, but I couldn't speak to tell him that.

"Where's Danny now?" Seth asked.

"A hospital. He can't have visitors. Immediate family can wait, but they send everyone else away."

I don't know if I could even handle seeing him.

"DC, breathe." Carson started rubbing my back.

"Dexter, are you alright?" Mr. Curry asked me, frowning.

No, Danny was a shitty friend, but a friends a friend.

"He'll be okay, right?" I gasped.

"They aren't sure."

"Dex, come on. Let's go to class." Seth stood up, and grabbed my right hand. I stood up, light headed and shaky.

"Will you be alright?" Mr. Curry asked, concerned.

"Y-yes, s-si-sir."

I felt Carson grip my other hand, and they walked me out.

"Dex, you know how you felt about Danny." Seth said.

"No, I didn't feel anything for him." I shook my head. I could feel my stomach churn, and a ran into the bathroom.

Seth and Carson were behind me. "Get out!" They yelled to a couple guys who were in here. Without a word, and wide eyes, they darted from the room. I slumped into a stall and missed the toilet where I threw up nothing but acid in my stomach.

"Dex, you haven't eaten." Carson said, wrapping me in his arms. He wasn't as warm as Landon.

I was going to protest, make up some lie, but Carson cut me off. "Don't bother lying. It's fucking obvious. Is it us or Landon who make you feel bad?" He was harsh with his words and they made me sick again. But I could only dry-heave at this point.

"Neither." I gasped from pain and fear. "I need all of you." I started crying.

"Seth, go get his friend." Carson snapped.

"Where is he?"

"History with Taylor." I sobbed, emptying more acid to the floor.

"I d-don't lo-love Danny." I cried into Carson's chest. "I'm not gay."

"DC, yesterday, you told us that you're...Curious? It's okay. And you may not have loved Danny, but there was a spark. He'll be okay."

"It's my fault."


"I'm a Cole. I'm a fuck up. Everything's my fault."

"Dex!" I could hear the ever so familiar voice that made me heat up all over.

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