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"Dexter, wake up, now!" Landon's voice was both very pissed, and slightly worried. Yet, it wasn't concerned enough to hide the venom he spat.

"What?" I moaned, still tired, and not in the mood to talk. "It's like fucking three in the morning!"

"I want to talk." He was still angry. I sat up, and looked at him, but my eyes kept drifting shut. However, I was afraid to fall asleep on Landon while he was worked up.

"Okay." I yawned. He can talk.

"You want to join the damn military!" Okay, he wanted to shout.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I played dumb.

"You were talking in your sleep." 

"My minds all fucked up. I say a lot of untrue shit."

"You want to join the military because you want to die, but your too scared to kill yourself. Tell me how wrong that is."

Shit, shit, shit!

"You wanted to enlist as soon as possible, but you aren't sure if that's sixteen or eighteen." He kept going. "You weren't going to tell me, just leave a note somewhere, then run off.

Dexter, I can not fucking believe you!" He shouted the last words incredibly loud, they boomed through my body.

I sat there, speechless. Motionless.

"Aren't you going to get upset, and start crying, then apologize or something?" He snapped.

"Fuck you." I said, shaking my head, and getting up. "Why don't I just try and join now?" I smirked, getting dressed.

"I've tried giving you everything, and you're throwing it away so you can purposely get shot and die. You are such-"

"A little shit? A worthless bastard? Remember, Landon, I'm gay. Nobody will give to shits if I just drop fucking dead!"

"You're so fucking wrong!"

"Really? Because you're sending off the feeling that you're one of those people who doesn't give a fuck."

"I don't want you to die! I fucking love you!" 

"Then support me through this."

"Dexter, I can't."

"I'm going to a recruiters office tomorrow. I don't give a damn if you come or not." I hissed.

"How do you plan on getting there?" He was standing, towering over me, with his arms crossed.

"A friend. i don't care."

"You want my support? I'll take you. Let's go. Right now." He grabbed my arm, and pulled my out of the room.

We passed the front desk, where Alli-Marie was confused. "Boys?" She asked, as we stormed passed her.

"We just have to talk. We'll be back later." Landon growled.

Opening my door, Landon jerked my arm and threw me inside. I thought it was going to be a quiet ride, but he only hollered louder.

"How long have you been thinking about joining?"

"A couple years." My answers were quiet.

"And you still choose to smoke pot and get addicted to cigarettes?"


"What about your health? Huh? They can't let an underweight sick child into the damn army! Not to mention how injured you are!"


"Oh? You want to kill yourself, and all you say Is fucking oh?! You know you're too young to even join, right? Seventeen with parental permission. Otherwise eighteen."

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