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[Part 1]

The time I spent at home was unbearable. T.V was either shows for young kids or Lifetime for women. I had actually watched a lot of  lifetime movies, but several made me almost cry(Because of the medicine). I tried watching the weird cartoons made for children, but they got really creepy mixed with painkillers.

It has been a full week since my incident. Mom and Dad were weary on sending me to school, but finally gave in.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Landon asked me, jumping in his car. I sat back, then gasped and helped out in pain. Still can't put pressure of my back.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Do you want breakfast?"

Yes, thank you.  

"No, I'm good. The medicine makes me eat a lot, and mom didn't want me to take it before school, so now all the food I've eaten has caught up, and I'm full." I lied. The medicine has no effect like that.

"Okay, try and eat lunch today, though." 

"Okay." I held up my pinky. 

He held up his. "Pinky promise."


Landon had my arm linked with his. Walking this much was absolute torture.

"Dexter, should you be here today?" Mr. Austin asked. 

"Yeah, it's completely fine. Just a couple stitches." I held my breath as I talked.

The rest of the morning was basically the same. The teachers didn't worry about making me do my work, and they let me rest. Landon helped me to every class, and even stopped with me to talk to Seth and Carson in the halls.

Lunch came around, the the hallways were packed with kids. "I'll carry you." Landon said.

"How?" I snapped. I didn't mean too, but He can't carry me. I'm too heavy for him.

Carson and Seth walked up behind us. 

"Hey, DC." 


"Hey, help him on my back." Landon said to my friends, the crouched to the floor. They didn't hesitate, and I was soon taller than everyone in school.

Landon did a good job of making sure i was comfortable and didn't fall, but I hated being even more dependent on people.

Seth held a try for him and Landon, and Carson held one for himself and me.

"DC, what do you want?" He asked me for the fifth time.

"Nothing. I'm still not very hungry."

"Dexter, you promised." Landon snarled.

"Surprise me." I sighed.

The four of us sat down at our usual table, but it's usually Danny instead of Landon. The seat was uncomfortable for my back, and I kept squirming.

"This sucks!" I shouted, causing other people around us to look.

"Here." Landon said annoyed, then pulled me onto his lap. It was easier to tolerate, but I was still fidgety.

"Are you still uncomfortable or just feel like grinding up against me?" He asked. Both Carson and Seth started laughing, making more people look.

"I just using you for my own pleasures." I winked. Landon's face was a bright red, and his body temperature started to heat up.

"Get over having your little fit, and eat." Seth said, sternly. I sat still, and ate less than half my sandwich.

Pinky PromiseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя