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"Dexter, do you need to go home?" Mr. Curry asked me.

"No. I'm okay." I whispered, hanging my head low.

"Are you sure?"

"I told you I'm fine!" My head snapped right up, and I stared into his eyes.

"Oh-okay. Um, just take the rest of the day easy." I scared him.

"Kay." I mumbled, walking out of the room like nothing happened.

"DC?" Carson hesitantly asked.


"Wanna ride on my back?"

"Yeah." I giggled, and hopped on.

"Are you joining basketball this year?"

"Didn't it already start?"

"I'm sure Coach will let you play. You've been on the team how long, he knows your skills."

"Sure. I'll go then." I smiled. Hopefully spots will take my mind off Landon.

"Tell him." Danny nudged Seth in the side.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Uh, um. Well.."

"Fucks sake, tell me." I snapped.

"Talin and his brother Tristan are on the team."

"Goddammit!" I yelled, and people looked at us. Once they saw it was me, they acted like they heard nothing.

"You really don't like him, do you DC?" Carson chuckled.

"Not really." I grumbled.

"He's really cool. They both are." He told me.

"Ahah!. You act like I give a damn!"

"Okay, just please, don't hurt him." Seth said, cautiously, trying not to upset me.

"You act like I'm violent." I snorted.

"Just today, less than ten minutes ago, you strangled someone and almost hit them!"

"He started it." I pouted, and climbed off Carson's back.

"Just be good this hour!" he shouted, as I walked into class.

I sat in my desk, and got a sudden burst of tiredness.

"You okay? You look like you're going to pass out."

"Huh?" I slowly turned my head to the kid next to me. My head was spinning, and my body felt like it was weighed down with bricks. My eyes focused on the boy, who seemed worried.

"Oh, Talin. It's just you, you shit head." I smiled faintly. "I'm sorry for strangling you last hour...And trying to hit you. And wishing to start you on fire."


"What?" I cocked my head to the side.

"I'm not Talin...My poor brother..."

"Oh! You're the twin!" I smiled. "I'm sorry. You look the same."

"Hence twin." he laughed. "Who are you?"

"Dexter. Dexter Cole."

"You're the kid everyone's always talking about, aren't you?"

"Depends what they say."

"Always sleeping, smells like cigarettes, so hilarious, cuddly, hyper, moody..."

"That's me." I grinned.

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