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My weekend consisted of my lying in my bed, having relatives tell me how much I scared them, and how I shouldn't be afraid to say something.

But if i so say something, it'll be for attention, and Landon will keep hating me more and more.

I woke up my usual time, and got dressed silently and slowly.

I was standing at the front door, getting my shoes on, when y dad walked in.

"Where are you going?" He asked, sounding confused.

"School." my answer was cold and monotone.

"I thought you'd stay home."


"Will you be okay."


"How are you getting there?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Dad let out a sigh. He wasn't sure how to handle me or the situation I put him in.

"Where's your mom?"


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes! I'm fucking fine!" I shouted, startling Dad.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll take you to school, then pick you up." He sighed.

"I can walk."

"Right." He snorted.

"Dad, you don't understand."

"I don't." he agreed. "But I don't think that you should be alone."

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Dexter," he said, pulling up to the school. "Be safe today. Don't take shit from anybody."

"Kay, Dad." I jumped out of the car. I waited until my dad was out of sight, then casually walked away from the building. I went to the lake across the street, and lit up a cigarette. I heard the bell ring, and watched the others file into the school. I took my time getting there-nobody would miss me.

Without a phone or a watch, I wasn't sure how much of first period I missed. The time seemed short, but i really didn't care. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, and made my way into Hell.

I was walking the halls with my head down, reeking of smoke and tobacco. I repeated bumped into lockers as well, causing loudness to rattle down the hallways, but it didn't phase me one bit.

Bored after mindless wandering, I checked a clock that hung on the wall above me. I had to squint to see it, but made out that I was gone for forty minutes. Only five more left. I hobbled from foot to foot, debating whether I should attends or skip.

"Dexter Cole, what the hell are you doing?" Mr. Curry shouted, furiously in front of me.  

I didn't respond, but instead glared at him. Giving off a cold smirk. 

"Cole, get your ass in my office!" His face was red.

I shook my head, then spun around, walking in the opposite direction.

"Dexter, must I call your parents?"

Really? Tell my mommy and daddy that I didn't go to a class where I sit and draw for forty-five minutes? Isn't that the best threat ever...

"Cole, listen to me." He didn't shout, but his voice was intimidating. I stopped walking, but didn't move to face him. "I heard that you almost killed yourself on Thursday." He began. "I knew you would be fine all weekend, your parents wouldn't let you out of their sight. But here, you become my responsibility, and I loose you. Because of one damn stupid stunt, I can't have you not show up without me panicking. If you're going to come, come if not, let people know you're alive. Also, now I have a reason to give you a suspension, so I can do that. Then everyone will know where you are. That's your warning. Get your ass to 

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