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"No. They didn't do anything." I said, stubbornly, with my arms across my chest. I'd been in Mr. Curry's office all morning. He's trying to find me a new schedule.

"I can put you in almost every class as Landon."

"I don't want him. I want Seth and Carson, and then Danny when he comes back. Besides, there are only two Bio classes, so I'm with at least one of them."

"I can move Danny when he get's back."

"That's not fair. He gets to be with two other friends, and hey, you're pulling me away from Luke."


"Lucas Carter." I said slowly.

"Ah, a rather well behaved student. Your friend?"

"Yeah. He's my friend, and right now it's only him and Landon!" I was frustrated.

"You know what? I need to sort all this out."

"You do realize I only have one class with all of them, then it's just me and Danny in Bio, right?" I almost laughed.

"But then there's lunch, and the hallways..."

And the bathrooms. Wait, Bathrooms! Yes! Why didn't I think of this before? Wait...Dammit, I can't text them to be like, "hey, meet me in the bathroom.." Shit.


"Huh? What? " I was confused.

"You were spacing, child. Are you okay?" 

"No, I'm upset and pissed."

"Oh, Well, anyways follow Landon around today, and I'll work on this. If I look into it some more, it may not even be necessary."

"What about all my other classes without them?" I asked.

"Did you even plan on attending?"

"Not really.." I said honestly.

Mr. Curry started wrote me a pass and wished me a good day.

"I just don't want to be the clingy kid who follows people around like a lost puppy."

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't make sense...Hell, I think Curry is just trying to make you feel better."

"Then he shouldn't ban me from my friends!"

"God, Kid." Landon sighed. We were in his study hall. It was almost empty. Not like mine. "I shouldn't do this." He moaned and pulled out his phone. "I have their numbers saved." he clearly wasn't happy about something. "You can text them today."

My eyes got bigger, and I had a smile that stretched ear to ear. "I love you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I jumped on his lap, and hugged him tightly.

I only sent a text to Seth saying to go to the bathroom.

"May we please use the bathroom?" Landon asked, trying not to laugh. The teacher nodded. We were walking hand in hand to the bathroom, then Landon said, "You do realize that it's only been about twenty-four hours since you've last seen them."

"Oh." I hadn't..."It feels like forever."

As soon as I walked in the bathroom, I was bombed with questions. After going through everything, I finally explained why I couldn't see them. "They think you're bad influences, but right now, I can't even see Scar, so it'll pass."

Seth got off topic afterwards. "What about sports?" He asked.

"What about them?" I questioned.

"Basketball starts in two weeks. That's how we met, and became friends."

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