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"I'm ready." I got in the car with Landon again.

"Are you okay?"


"You seem...Distant?"

"No. I am fine."


"Someone likes me." I said quickly, slumping back in my seat.

"Well, I sure as hell do." He winked then leaned down to kiss me. I pulled my head away.

"No. I mean, I'm sorry. And I know you do, but.."

"That doctor?" He questioned.

"No. I thought so.."

"Okay, so I like you, Danny likes you, My sister likes you,-"

"You know Danny likes me?" I asked shocked and confused.

"You didn't? It's so damn obvious!" He laughed then looked at me. "You really didn't know?" He asked softer.

"I didn't even know I was gay until people kept pushing me."

"You didn't know? I thought you were shy and in denial!"

"Sorry." I mumbled and looked away.

"I didn't mean to upset you." He sighed. After looking at me harder he spoke again.

"I know somethings. Hell, someone who has never met you knows somethings wrong."

"No. They don't know shit. I'm just tired."

"I want you to stop scratching yourself when you say that. I also want you to look at me."

I couldn't do either. I was a disgrace. I was disgusting.

"Are you only my friend because of Scar and Max?" I asked.

Landon thought long and silently. "Well, say we never met each other. Like okay, let's say I just moved here. I would've seen you in the hallways, and I would have been all 'Landon, you need to talk to that kid. Hes fucking hilarious and nice and adorable.' But with your other friends, I would have been too shy. I'd be afraid to talk to you. If you still hung out with Luke, I would have no problem."

"But your friends...your senior friends."

"Well hell yeah, I'd be friends with them, but I'd probably talk about you non-stop." He smiled.


"Now what's wrong? You were trying to throw my off topic? Little Shit..."

"I just don't want to talk about it." I shifted in the seat.

"I don't care. I don't know to force you, but you're going to."

"You see me act like a little pussy all the damn time, why do you want to hear me piss and moan like a fucking fairy!"

"Shut up, Dexter!" He snapped right back at me."You are so much better than that! You aren't any of those things, and I don't want to hear you call yourself them ever again! So you cry all the time, nobody cares, and it's sweet. I know you're a man by how excited you were earlier."

I blushed a little at that.

"Dex, be honest with me. Are you thinking about what that one prick said at the beach? About you dropping dead..."

"Yeah." I choked out, starting to cry.

"It isn't true. Do you know how devastated I'd be without you? Don't hurt yourself because of useless bastards like him."

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