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Okay, I love your status, it made me smile so freaking hard, you earned this(:

Danny immediately shoved the needle into my arm, but missed a vein. Instead of pulling it out right away, he slid it down my arm, causing blood to rapidly come out.

"Ow, bitch!" I gasped, clutching it.


The door flew open, and Remus came running forward. He was swearing under his breath, and I jumped in his arms quickly, wrapping my legs around his waist, arms around his neck, and burying my head in his shoulders. I felt like a small child who had been lost for hours, and finally food his parent.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at me, walking to his car. He said to fuck the other guys, that's their decisions, but he wants me safe and clean from that.

"I-I did-didn't want to!" I sobbed, and he put me in the passengers side of his car.

"But you did!"

"I'm sorry!" I couldn't stop crying. I was horrified Scarlett will find out.

"Dex, they were fucking shooting up, why the hell didn't you leave, why did you even go?" He clenched his teeth.

"I went because if I didn't they'd hate me, and give me a hard time. If I left...I couldn't leave. I had too much stuff in my system. I just...well, then they wanted me to shoot up, so I panicked. I was scared. I'm sorry!"

"Shh, Dexter, it's okay." he took what I said in. "So when you freaked out is that when you called Max?" he asked.

"I didn't call Max." I shook my head confused. When did I call someone?

"You don't remember? You called him saying you need help. That you needed help because you were going to be murdered." he explained. "Ring a bell?"


"Then of course Max didn't want to worry your sister. Neither do I. She doesn't deserve that. And would just...Scar would kill you. She would be devastated. So Max called me."

"Remus, please, Scar cannot know!" I begged.

"Oh, I agree. One-hundred percent."

"Do you promise you won't say anything?"

"Pinky promise. Do you promise you won't ever do that again?"

"Pinky promise!" We both held up our pinkies and twisted them together.

"Now let me see your arm." He said, taking glances so he could watch the road as well. "Not too bad. You could probably use stitches, but I won't take you in if you don't want me to. Also, don't let your mom see that."

"No, I don't need stitches. And no shit I won't let Mom see it! She freaks out about cat scratches!" I said, almost laughing.

"Okay, wrap it up good when you get home, then. And Carlie cares, that's all." I hated when he called my mom Carlie or My mom. I knew she was his step mom, but it made me feel as though we weren't related. I noticed whenever Scar was angry at Dad for some reason, he became her Step-bastard. That got uncomfortable sometimes. Dad's a good guy. But Scar is also kinda sketchy around a lot of guys. There's a Handful she isn't with though. It could be what happened with Ellis...That was just...I'm just going to go along with the rest of my family an act as if it didn't even happen. Maybe he got that from his moms side if the family. I know I could never, ever do something like that!


"Shit, what?" I jumped.

"You were zoning out, kid. Now, do you want to come back to my house or home?" he asked slowly.

Pinky PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora