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"Sir, where's Mr. Rivers?" I sat down in biology.

"I'm not sure. But he'll be gone for about two or three weeks. Maybe longer." Mr. Miller said. Wednesday. It's been a normal day. Carson and Seth were at the hospital finding out about Danny. Everyone thinks in too fragile for that. They're probably right.

I've made it to every class today, just not one of them on time. I hung around Landon and some of his friends. Honestly, I didn't know the whole school knew who I was. They knew me because of Danny. They all know Danny. Especially his older brother, Devin. Hanging out with Landon's friends. I kept hearing the same thing over and over again: those kids shouldn't be your friends. They're bad influences. Stick with us.

I pretend to hear everything they said to me, but I just couldn't.

Lunch had come around, and I didn't want to eat. Not in front of so many people I didn't know.

It wasn't the best idea, but it worked. I hid out in the bathroom stalls, unable to face anyone.

"Dex, remember, His wife's having her baby." Luke nudged me.

"Oh yeah." I smiled. I like talking to Luke. He just repeats everyone else.

"Dexter. You don't need Carson, Danny or Seth."

"Dexter, do you have detention today?" Mr. Miller asked at the end of class. Again, I was the last one to leave.

"Yeah, are you supervising?"

"Aren't I always? Actually, I'm not tomorrow. Everyday but Thursdays. Why do you have so many detentions?" he asked.

"Always late for class or sleeping in class or talking back or cussing. I don't pay attention really, but these days all I hear is 'Cole, detention!' and I go with it." i shrugged.

"That isn't fair." Reece shook his head.

"Eh, maybe I should behave."

"How's your friend?" Reece asked curiously.

"Alive. Barely."

"Any news?"

"I dunno. Landon has my phone."


"So I wouldn't be distracted by it and bugging the shit out of the others." I laughed.

"When do you get it back?"

"When I go home."

"Do you live with Landon?"

"No, Scar and Max are really close."

"I see. So ar-"

"DC!" I turned around, and Carson was running towards me.


"It's Danny! They stopped all the internal bleeding. He's not waking up, but responds to almost everything. His brain is seriously injured, as well as his lungs and liver.

He's got broken bones, majorly, but they'll be allowing actual visitors at least by Friday!"

"That's great! Oh my god, it's.." I was speechless an my face ached from smiling

"He's probably going to have to work for the state because, well, you know what he had on him. Plus Dev was in the car. It won't be for a while until he's healed."

"is he going to continue?"

"With the drugs? Maybe, it depends if Devin still gets it for him. Devin was only hurt a little, and seeing his little brother wacked out like that probably wasn't the best moment for him."

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