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"Dammit, Dex! I never told you to lie!" Dad shouted, frustrated from the front seat.

"You didn't correct me." I replied.

"That would have made things worse."

"You're lucky I've gotten the shit kicked out of me this whole time, or he'd think you're abusing me."

"Dex, there is a possibility that he already thinks that. He probably thinks I'm beating you for being gay."

"I'm not-"

"Well you sure as hell aint straight!" He yelled before I had the chance to finish.

"Now Landon," his tone changed. "I thought you were straight."

He is. It's obvious he'd be happier with a girl. There will never be sex between us.

"I thought so too, Sir. But Uh, Dex...He's..." His body temperature got hot.

"I don't want to know." Dad laughed. "And did you just call me Sir?"

"Um, sorry." He stuttered

"Nervous?" Dad was still messing with him. Landon nodded yes.

"Don't be. Just know if you ever hurt my son, Scarlett's brother, you will not live a pleasant life."

"I will never hurt him. I love Dex so much." It came out harsher than it should of, but that only made Dad happier.

"He needs you."

"You know I'm right fricking here!" I shouted, annoyed they were acting like I wasn't here. They started laughing harder.  

"Screw you." I mumbled. Things started quieting down again.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" Landon asked me, his arm around my shoulder.

"Dad?" I asked him.

"We aren't doing anything, but I'm damn serious about you not hanging around those other three friends of yours."

"Okay, no. I was just wondering if Dexter wanted to hang out with me and some others this weekend. You'd see him Friday morning and Sunday night. Would that be okay?" Landon asked him, being respectful about it.

"I don't see a problem with that. But remember my warning. Do not. Hurt my. Son. Understand?" Dad responded.  

We pulled up to his house after talking about really nothing. "Bye." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I was expecting more. Like on my lips, but then again my dad was right there.

Once he was safely inside his house, I climbed over the seat, and say up front. 

"How long have you been dating?" Dad asked, and I was blushing.

"We aren't." I shook my head. "We are just really close friends." 

"Dex, I don't want either of you hurt. Be honest with each other."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow at school." I sighed.

"How'd you know?" I asked after a silence.

"Are you kidding?" he was shocked I asked the question.

"Our closeness?"

"You are very passionate and touchy-feely towards each other."

"Dad, I'm so sorry. Please, please don't be ashamed of me. I'm sorry." I felt myself start to cry. Did Ellis have to go through this?

"Dexter, I'm not mad. I still love you. I'm not ashamed either. Don't worry about it. However, I never ever would have guesses Landon went that way..."

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