The End

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"Cole!" Sergent Jeffery barked.

"Yes, Sir?" I saluted him.

"Calm down, Son. Drop your guard." Jeffrey was the main leader for us. We listened to every word he said, and sat through every yelling fit. But all in all, he was a really good guy, and treated me like his son. I was the youngest Solider in his group. The baby. Like always.

When Sergent Jeffery told me to drop my guard, it meant I was to call him Jeffery, and I didn't have to be proper with him.

"I've watched you fight for three years, son. Now, you get to go back."

"Yes, Sir." I smiled shakily.

"I've watched you grow from a child to a man. Even though it was only seventeen to twenty." I swear he was on the verge of tears. Then he smiled lightly. "You managed to keep up with everybody, no matter what. Even though most of them are over a hundred pounds heavier than yourself. Which you are still a damn twig."

"Yes, Sir."

"I remember when you first came in, and I thought, 'this kid isn't going to make the first day through training.' You were always vomiting, and running fevers. Then you hardly ate at all. Kid, I honestly thought, that with your previous scars, you'd kill yourself here. On purpose. But here you are. Fought, and killed people. Brave. A hero. I'm going to miss you, Son." He went to shake my hand, but instead grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you , Sir." I started crying.

When I first came in, everyone made fun of my constant crying. Then they started seeing more and more of my scars. Then they understood, and let me cry whenever.

However, I learned not to cry so much, but here and there, I still let it out.

"You leave tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, Sir. Tomorrow at eight AM, I'm taking the train home."

We were already back in camp in California, but I was still about a day from home.

"Who'll be waiting at the station?"

"Nobody. I'm surprising them."

"How are you getting everyone together?"

I let out a deep sigh, and started choking up. "Everyone gets together down at the park where I live. Its the anniversary of my best friend."

"That Landon kid who you'd always talk about?"

"Yeah." I smiled. All my buddies here know everything about Landon.

"He was your boyfriend, wasn't he?"

The caught me off guard. I'd never spoken a word about my sexuality.

"Cole, you are a great man. Everybody here knew you were gay the first week. But guess what? Nobody gives a damn."

"Thank you, Sir."


I stared at the group of people who were walking around and reminiscing about Landon. There were hundreds of people here. And luckily, everyone I wanted.

I stomped out my cigarette, and took a deep breath. I was still in my uniform. It made me proud of myself.

The first person to notice me was a little boy, about four. I knew exactly who he was. The little blonde haired boy, with the biggest blue eyes stared at me for the longest time. After a while of gaping, and me just smiling at him, he put his hand to his forehead, and saluted me. "Thank you, Sir. For saving our country. You're a hero."

"No problem, Leroy." I smiled bigger. Leroy's mouth dropped, and his eyes were almost popping out of his head.

He ran away yelling after his mom. "Mommy, Mommy, the hero knows me!" That got everybody's attention, and they all stared at me, gaping.

"DC!" Carson came running from the crowed, and wrapped his arms tightly around my neck, hugging me tightly. It was painful to breathe. "Fuck man!" He cried. I was now his height, but still scrawnier. But I bet I was just as strong.

"I fucking love you!" I cried as well, and slapped him on the back. He pulled away, and we both laughed. He wiped his eyes, but I didn't bother. Crying is all I'm doing today.

Mom and Dad were next to greet me.

"We couldn't be prouder." My dad beamed.

"We love you so much, Dexter." Mom said, not letting go.

"I pinky promised I'd come back. And I did."

"You have a bad habit of breaking those promises." She scolded.

Then came my brother and sister. They were practically the same, but it was wonderful either way.

"Landon would be proud." Max came up to me. I was standing in my old group of friend, Leroy attached to me like old times.

"Landon yelled at me for hours when I brought it up." I replied.

"That was when you were going through hard times. Now you're a hero." Max slapped me on the back as well. "Love you, Son." He walked off.

I turned back to my group.

Julius and Zeus were engaged and happy, Seth, Carson and I are to be in the wedding.

Kam is a troubled teen. At fifteen, he's taking on the role I played. I plan on talking to him very soon.

Landon's sister, Lola was married and pregnant, and chose me to be the baby's godfather. I cried when I heard the news.

Danny is receiving much help, but it will be years, many, many years, before I see him again.

As for everyone else...

It was good.

it was life.

And I pinky promise,

That it gets better.


My wonderful readers, Pinky Promise is now finished.

But, (I'm going to sound like an arrogant bitch here) I love this little 'series', and don't want it to end completely.  I went through Max,(Which I don't advise reading!!!) Then to Scarlett, and then Dexter. If I continued, which I want a yes or no from you, It would probably be Kam. I've mentioned he doesn't like cigarettes, like, he's afraid of them. Then here at the end, it says he's troubled. So it'd be that, or like, Julius and Zeus have a kid and it shows his life struggling with two gay dads... Maybe I'll just have like ten books on this :P But seriously, give me your opinion.  Then I could also do something I'm not the best at, and switch POVs here and there....Like I said, let me know, and THANK YOU FOR READING AND BARING THROUGH THIS I LOVE YOU!!!

Or, hell, I could even give Dex a husband...hmm...options options options...

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