7~ leaving and staying

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When I realise what's happening I pull out of the kiss and unwrap my arms from around Niall's neck. I take his hand from around my waist but don't let go instead pulling him off the dance floor and towards the hallway where the bathrooms are.

"What the hell was that Niall?" I ask.

"I kissed you." He says in a 'duh' tone with a smirk.

"Obviously! You have a girlfriend, you can't go around kissing other girls."

"It was just an act. What teenage couple wouldn't kiss?"

"A fake one-"

The door to the hallway opens and two women walk in.

Niall decides the best way to cover up our fight is to kiss me again while going into a baby changing bathroom.

After he pulls out of the kiss and closes the door, and turns back around to me I hit his chest.

"You should be thanking me." Niall says.

"For what? Using me to cheat on your girlfriend?"

"You don't even like Caroline."

"I don't like people who ruin relationships by cheating either!"

"It was one kiss."

"It's still cheating Niall. I don't wanna be the one you cheat with."

"Why do you make it sound so definite that I'm going to cheat?"

"Because of what just happened, you already did."

"That was for your benefit, so your family don't think you lied about a boyfriend and your creep of a cousin doesn't try it on with you." Niall says. "Caroline doesn't need to know. No one here would tell her."

"I'm not lying."

"You won't need to because she won't ask about it."

"If she does I'm not lying."

"It's not a lie unless she asks. Until then just keep it a secret, can't you do that? You are the queen of secrets and lies. One more little one couldn't possibly be that hard to keep."

"I'm leaving this wedding." I mutter to myself walking past Niall to open the door.

I walk out and go find my mom. I find her with a group of older people including Niall's parents.

"Hey mom, I'm going to head back home."

"Do you need me to bring you we only brought my car?"

"No I'll be fine, don't worry."

"I'll be another while so you can tell your friends they can go back to and stay the night if they'd like."

"Tell Niall that we would prefer if he did because we are having some adults back to the house." Niall's mom says.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you later." I say goodbye to them all before going back to where all my friends were sitting before.

There all there including Niall.

I pick up my phone and bag from the table.

"My mom said you can all come over and stay if you'd like." I tell them and turn to Niall. "Your mom said that she's having adults over so she doesn't want you there."

"Since we don't have a ride back that would be a good idea." Bethany says.

We sorted out that in one car would be Beth, Lauren, Seth, and Jake, and in the other car was me, Niall, and Matt.

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