19~ happy halloween

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It was Halloween day and me and Niall decided to go out for a bit to eat before we got ready for the party that us and the others decided we were going to.

It was a few days since me and Niall got together and it hadn't happened since but we weren't being awkward about it, we were more like close friends now. The way we should've started before we got together.

We were currently having breakfast at a local cafe.

"I'm thinking about getting a tattoo." I tell him after I'm finished eating my pancakes.

Niall raises a brow. "Really?"

"Yeah." I answer. "It'd obviously be in a hidden place." I wink and we both laugh. "No, i actually want one but I'll probably wait a few years."

"Yeah I wanna get a few too."

"Let me know when and I'll come hold your hand." I say with a grin and Niall rolls his eyes but smiles.

"Aren't you funny today."

"Excuse me I'm funny everyday."

"Stop with the jokes, I won't be able to breath." Niall chuckles.

I raise a brow.

"I'm kidding." Niall raises his hands in surrender.

I roll my eyes. "Your an idiot."

I get this feeling someone's watching me but when I look around the cafe no ones paying attention in my direction.

"What's up?" Niall asks.

"This day just gives me the creeps." I tell him.

My phone buzzes and I look at the message.

Unknown: Not the creeps. Try again.

My stomach tightens and I start to mess with one of my earrings.

"What is it? You mess with your earring when your anxious." Niall tells me, making me realise that he had observed one of the things I do.

"It's nothing. My mom just texted, she wants to talk about something. Just have no idea what about." I lie. I know Niall knows I'm not telling the truth but he leaves it. "Anyway I better go, I need to talk to her before I get ready for the party. I'll see you there."

Niall says goodbye before I give him the money for what I ate and then leave.

I walk home, never loosing the feeling of eyes on me. I knew one of them was Niall, but the other one - I was completely clueless.

The girls came over an hour later.

I walk out of the bathroom closing the door and walking back into the girls who were currently getting ready.

I sit back on the ground starting to straighten my hair.

"Why do you need to pee every five minutes?" Lauren asks. "How much water have you been drinking?"

"A lot. I find it hard to swallow the painkillers so I drink like a bottle every time." I answer.

"How is your ribs anyway?" Madison asks as she applies her eyelashes.

"Getting better." I answer.

"I heard you made them a lot worse the night of the incident when we fell asleep." Bethany says and my cheeks burn.

"Ya by walking up the stairs." I mutter.

"How's Niall Anyway?" Lauren asks.

"You'll see him tonight. Ask him then." I say, my cheeks still hot.

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