21~ smoothies and shocks

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I was drinking my smoothie while Jake and Niall stared at me.

"What?" I Ask getting annoyed at their constant staring.

"Nothing." They both say looking away quickly as if I hadn't seen them staring since I sat down.

"Isn't fortnite calling or something?" I Ask after a few minutes of tapping my finger on the table.

If this wasn't awkward...

"What?" Niall chuckles.

"Calling? It's not a person." Jake says and the boys look at each other like I'm an amateur. Which I am.

"Ha ha hilarious." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. "Isn't that what you video gaming geeks say?"

"We are not geeks! Fortnite is just amazing. You wouldn't understand." Jake says.

"I'm sorry for hurting yer feelings." I say looking at my phone to check the time. "Sorry little girls but I've got to go home. Homework is calling."

The boys bid there goodbyes and I start to walk away.

"Homework's not a person!" Niall shouts.

"Fortnite is for nerds!" I shout back and I swear I heard every boy in sight audibly gasp.


I wasn't bothered doing the homework I said I would, my mind was already too occupied with shit I didn't need to add more.

My room is a mess but I can't be bothered to clean it. When I say mess I mean it too, from the days I spent hidden in my room and away from the world I'd managed to make it look like there was a tornado. 

There's a knock on the door and I quickly went downstairs to answer it.

I was shocked to see an upset looking Bethany.

"Beth? What's wrong?" I ask.

"We need to go. It's Jake and Niall, they've been in a car accident."

For a second I thought my heart stopped beating.

Everything else happened in a blur. We got to the hospital and waited while the boys were with the doctors. Both their parents were here as well and our friends all came when they heard too.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the doctors to come and tell us what happened but it felt like we were sitting here for hours and still nothing.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I'd only been with them a few hours ago.

The doctor finally comes out, "Where are the parents?"

Niall and Jakes parents both stand up.

The doctor speaks again, "do you mind everyone else hearing or do you want to go somewhere private?"

They agree that everyone can hear and we all anxiously wait to hear what's happening.

"Luckily both surgery's went well, Jake is now awake and is waiting to see some visitors, his leg is in a cast but luckily the surgery will help it heal and it will be like nothing happened." The doctor takes a pause.

"What about our son?" Niall's dad asks.

"Niall's surgery went well too. Everything went to plan and he shouldn't suffer any long term injury's, but Niall hasn't woke up yet. We don't know how long it might be before he does. It could be minutes, hours, days, or weeks. Unfortunately that's all we have for now but you can start to see him."

There was a mixture of relief and sadness and worry. Everyone was obviously happy for Jake but worried about Niall.

Niall's parents went in to see him and jakes went to see Jake. After Jake told his parents that he was alright they decided they'd go home for the night and let his friends see him.

Bethany went in first. Then everyone else took turns to go in, while Bethany waited to go back in.

Madison came over to me after awhile.

"You Okay Amelia?"

I shake my head, no.

"I'm sorry that was a stupid question."

"Its Okay." My voice comes out hoarse. "You guys don't have to stick around. I'm sure Niall's parents will be in there for another while and I just want to see him for a minute."

"How are you gonna get home?"

"My mom will pick me up."

A few hours later and everyone was gone except Bethany, but she was with Jake and probably wouldn't leave.

I had text my mom to explain what was happening. She wanted to come get me but I lied and told her that I was going back to Bethany's.

It was a little after midnight when Niall's parents left. They didn't see me and I was kind of thankful because How was I suppose to explain who I was to Niall.

I avoided the nurses because I knew they wouldn't be happy about me seeing Niall after midnight.

When I got inside his room my stomach dropped. His face was bruised and he hand cuts and scrapes on it and his arms, but he looked peaceful while asleep. But I didn't want him to sleep, I wanted him to wake up and tell me that he's fine and everything was going to be okay.

I sit down on the chair beside the bed and hold his hand.

"I don't know if you can hear me. Probably not so I'm just talking to myself. I do that anyway so it's no problem." I look at his face as of expecting him to answer me.

"I'm sorry. Maybe if I'd let you and Jake actually work out you wouldn't be here right now, and just be playing fortnite." I laugh to myself, thinking about our earlier conversation. "You think you could wake up and tell me I'm being stupid, or even tell me I'm right. Just wake up."

My eyes start to water and a tear slides down my cheek.

"I'm such a baby, crying over you even though I know your going to wake up because your strong and you want to use this opportunity as an excuse not to do anything and have everyone slave over you." I breath out a sigh. "I'm sorry that it took this accident to make me realise that I don't wanna loose you. As a boyfriend I mean. I know what you done was a mistake and that you regret it so why didn't I just forgive you, to be honest I don't know. I guess I just wanted to make sure that you wanted me back too."

I shake my head. "I'm an idiot, what am I even talking about?"

My stomach turns and I stand up rushing to the nearest bathroom before puking whatever I had in my stomach up.

I search my bag for a mint and eat it before going back to Niall's room.

"I'm sorry about that. I seem to have middle of the night sickness." I sit back down in the chair. "Not that I can explain that to anyone. Not even you."

I blabbed on to the unconscious Niall for another few hours before I fell asleep. I only woke up the next morning from the nurse coming in to check in Niall.

For some reason I thought when I looked at him Niall would be smirking down at me but all I saw was his peaceful sleeping face again.

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