18~ the aftermath

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"She's been lying there an hour and still hasn't woken up! We should get her to a hospital."

"Maybe we should move her, she doesn't look comfortable on the floor."

"How did you lose your phone anyway? She wouldn't have went upstairs if you weren't so careless."

"I know that! Maybe if you didn't have this damn party to have a fight she wouldn't have came looking for you!"

I opened my eyes blinking to get rid of the blurry vision.

"She's waking up!"

"Amelia are you okay?" Madison asks bending down beside me.

"My head hurts." I groan when I try to sit up.

Matt who's beside Madison gets the message and helps me sit up.

Everyone's sitting around me except for Niall who sitting on front of me on the stairs.

"I'm so sorry, Amelia. I put my phone down for a minute and it was gone." Madison apologises.

"It's not your fault, Madison. I should've realised you don't text like that and you wouldn't have been upstairs."

Madison hugs me and I hug back, wincing at the pain in my head.

Madison gives me an apologetic smile when she leans out.

"So what happened?" Jake asks.

My thoughts flash back to the moments before I fell, "Caroline wanted to tell me something but I said something that hit a nerve."

"So she pushed you down the stairs?" Lauren asks, anger laced in her voice.

"It was an accident, I don't think she meant for me to fall down the stairs."

"Don't stick up for her. Anything could've been wrong with you." Niall says, anger also evident in his voice.

"And it still could be, we should get you to a hospital." Bethany says.

"I'm fine."

"Do you want to die of a brain bleed or some other thing you could have got?" She asks.

I shake my head. "At lease let me wash off my makeup."

Ten minutes later and I was in the car with Madison, Matt, and Niall, Who were decided to be the ones to come with me.

Madison was still a bit upset by the fact that it was her phone but I kept telling her it would've happened either way.

When we pulled into a parking space and got out of the car I started getting nervous.

"This is stupid, I'm fine." I say messing with my sleeves. "People are going to think I'm drunk and fell and I'll look stupid."

"Stop worrying." Madison says.

"I don't like hospitals."

"We won't be here long, just get you checked out and we can leave." Matt says.

Niall was staying quiet and I was quite thankful, I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk to him with shouting about who he's sleeping with, which was none of my business and would just make me look crazy.

"Okay so we've checked all the vital stuff for anything that can be caused by the fall. It looks as if the fall was bad because she does have quite some bruises all over her body, she's fractured three of her ribs but that seems to be the extent. We've given her some pain relief as she started to feel the pain in her ribs after the shock went away but she needs to kept awake for a few hours and kept a close eyes on." The nice nurse was telling my friends as I was slouched in my chair.

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