Twenty Four

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Anastasia's POV

"Anastasia! Anastasia! C'mon Ana, stay with me!"
"Where is he?! Lincoln!?"

I could hear yelling, I knew the voices belonged to John and Enid. But all I could see was a bright light, and I was in so much pain.

"Don't cry. It'll be ok. I'm going to keep you safe."
"I know."

His voice echoed in my ears, his face with that strong piercing gaze were all I could see when I closed my eyes.

They took him. And I fucking let them. If I had fought harder, or just let them take me, he'd still be here.

"Where the fuck is he?!"
John suddenly snapped, kicking something and sat down next to me.
"Anastasia, what happened?"
He whispered, thats when my eyes started working again.

I could barely make out Enids and Johns features. They were both clearly distressed, but both at the same time full of rage and fear.

Enid was crouching on the ground, while John sat on his knees next to me.

"Anastaia, where is he?"
John asked softly, as my eyes slowly began to regain all of my sight.
"They took him."
I weakly muttered and his eyebrows knotted together.

He hissed and I slowly turned my head towards Enid.
"Brian, Tricia, are they-"
"The men we came with brought them to the hospital nearby. They're going to be fine."
Enid replied and I slightly nodded. Good.

"C'mon, Ana, lets get inside."
She muttered pulling me off the sand and my eyes began to adjust to everything even better.

John then walked over and helped Enid carry me inside.
"Call the rest of the men."
I ordered weakly as they sat me on the couch and John nodded.

Enid got me a glass of water and I chugged it as she left to get a first aid kit.

"John, I need a list of all the people close to Maxwell Junior, and their numbers. I, need a list of cars that have been taken from the estates recently, even personal ones and a list of all of Lincoln's properties."
I ordered him and he nodded, telling the other men to bring his computer.

Enid walked back into the living room and opened the first aid kit.
"We're going to need to stitch up by her eyebrow there and her cheek, right there."
She muttered to John, putting some rubbing alcohol on a cloth.

I closed my eyes as she brought the cloth over my face, wiping away the blood and cleaning the cuts.

Once she finished she put bandages on my small cuts then brought out the stitching stuff.

I gripped the edge of the couch tightly as she began to stitch up near my eyebrow.

"Everyone else will be here soon. By tonight we'll be back at the estate."
John explained and I nodded mutely.


I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off then dressed myself. I left the bathroom and walked into the living room as John opened his computer.

I walked into the kitchen and quickly ate something. I had packed the bag already, to bring back to the estate.

I had to remain strong. I was in charge now, and my main priority was to find Lincoln.

I sighed and sat down on the couch while John typed at his computer, his eyebrows knotted together.

There was men guarding outside, men inside sitting with us while John worked. We needed to find Lincoln as soon as possible.

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