Thirty One

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I woke up and Lincoln was gone. I groaned and checked the time, it was only six in the morning.

Lincoln's spot was cold, meaning he had been gone for awhile. I huffed and got out of bed.

I grabbed a hoodie from the closet then stormed out of the room. I marched down the hallway just as John came out of Lincoln's office.

"Ana- uh, Lincoln is downstai-"
"Don't lie to me. Now move."
I hissed, interuppting John as he blocked the door to Lincoln's office.

He shook his head and I gave him the meanest look I could summon. He slightly nodded, gulping and stepped away from the door.

I went to shove it open but it wouldn't budge. It was fucking locked. I sent an accusing glare at John and he stuck up his hands.

"You can only lock it from the inside."
He muttered and I hit the door.
"Lincoln! You open this fucking door or I swear to god."
I hissed and John's eyes widened. I looked at the bottom of the door and could see a shadow moving around.

"If you don't open this door in three seconds I'm going to, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do whatever makes you angry!"
I exclaimed and the shadow stopped moving.

"Do you have to do this? He just got back, Anastasia."
John muttered and I glared at him.
"He promised me he would take a break. I'm doing this for his own damn good."
I replied and he sighed.

"You hear me?! Your own good!"
I half shouted before kicking the door and walking away.
"Go get her."
I heard Lincoln suddenly say and my eye slightly twitched but I kept walking.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew it wasn't the room. I could hear John behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"If you touch me I'm going to kick you."
I threatened and he stopped following me. I got to the end of the hallway and huffed. One of there rooms led to an empty room.

I could sit in there and clear my mind for a bit.

My waist was suddenly grabbed and I went to swing my leg but a voice stopped me.
"Why do you have to be so damn difficult?"
Lincoln hissed, bringing me towards his office.

"Why do you have to lie? Let go of me, I'm not sitting in your office with you."
I replied and he sighed, but kept a grip on me.

"I just said-"
"And I chose to ignore you."
He said, interuppting me.

"Tell her mother we'll be in the office."
He told John and continued to drag me into the office. Lincoln shut the door and let go of me.

He walked over to his desk and I glared at him.
He asked and my eyes widened.
"Really?! 'What?' Are you for real?"
I hissed and he raised an eyebrow.

"You promised me you wouldn't work for at least a week. Thats all I asked for."
I muttered and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going now?"
He asked and I sighed.

"I don't want to keep yelling at you, Lincoln. I don't want to be the bad guy. I don't want to just sit here and pretend you aren't working when you promised you wouldn't. I'm just going to go lay down."
I replied and opened the door.

I left the office and walked into the bedroom. I shut the door behind me and sighed, running my hands through my hair.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep. I just wanted to have a small nap before I had to get up and eat.

The bedroom door opened and I glanced back at it. Lincoln shut the door behind him and took off his shirt.

He climbed into bed next to me and I lay there, silent.
"You're so difficult and stubborn sometimes."
He commented and my jaw clenched.

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