Twenty Five

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Lincoln's POV

I groaned as I woke up, my head pounding and my body full of the chills.

I didn't know how long I had been here, but I was guessing it wasn't any longer than two days.

But it could be. I wouldn't know. I leaned against the cold wall and looked over at the burnt out fireplace.

"Awake already?"
Junior asked, looking into my cell from the small opened window in the door and I glared at him.
He asked and I remained silent.

One of his men opened the door for him and he walked in with a tray of food for me.

He ordered setting the tray down at my feet. It had a single apple, a burnt piece of toast on it and a small glass half full of milk.

"I see the way you look at the food, wondering why in the hell we would feed you so well."
Junior commented and I rolled my eyes.

"It's cause I want you to live as long as you can so I can watch you slowly die in here until finally I decide to kill you."
He explained and I ignored him, beginning to eat.

"Doesn't that bother you?! That I'm just going to make you live out the rest of your days in here?! Make you leave your wife behind, weak?!"
He shouted, slapping the apple out of my hand.

I rolled my eyes again and looked up at Junior.
"It does not bother me because it will never happen. Anastasia and all of my loyal people will find me here, and I'll leave, but not before killing you."
I replied and he glared down at me.

"Plus the only weak one in this case is you. You can't seem to handle not getting a reaction out of me and have an outburst because you're still a child. And children eventually make mistakes and don't think clearly. And in that moment, when you're mind is in pieces because you're in an outburst because you're not getting your way, you will die."
I added and he kicked my stomach then kneed me in the face.

I remained silent and he left my cell, slamming the door shut behind him. I watched as they shut the window on the door and I sighed, beginning to eat again.

If John remembered how I usually worked in cases like this he would hopefully be here soon.

I couldn't imagine what type of condition Anastasia was in. I tried to picture what she was doing right now but all I can see is her on the beach, screaming and reaching out for me.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair before getting up.
"Hey! Hey! Fuckers!"
I shouted and they looked at me through the window.

"I need to use the bathroom!"
I shouted and they glanced at each other before pointing towards one of the corners of the room.

I glared at them then huffed. I walked over to a corner farthest from my gross old blankets and pissed.

I walked back over to my spot and sat down, glaring at the door. Junior's face suddenly appeared in the window and I rolled my eyes.

He walked in followed by the two other men from last time and he nodded his head towards me.

The men walked over to me and my head was slammed against the concrete wall.

I groaned as they began kicking me and punching me until one of them left the room.

The other held a fistful of my hair as we waited for the other to come back, Maxwell leaning against the wall across from us.

"You're a coward."
I spat at him, blood sliding out of my mouth.
"You have your men do your dirty work for you."
I hissed and he glared at me, pushing himself away from the wall.

"I hope your men know that everyone who helps you, hides you or defends you, will be killed and their families will no longer be under protection of the mafia."
I spat and he glanced at his man holding me.

"You can't scare me."
Junior hissed, slapping my face and I smirked.
"Kids are scared of everything."
I replied and kicked my leg out, striking his ankles and he fell back.

I elbowed the man holding my hair in the crotch and he groaned, bending over.

I grabbed his neck and pulled him to the ground. I stood quickly and grabbed a fistful of Juniors hair and smashed his head against the wall.

He groaned and I wrapped one of my chains around his throat and held him against me while the other man walked back in with a jug of water.

He pulled his gun out as the other man stood and did the same thing. I held Junior directly in front of my body and glared at them.

I grabbed Junior's gun from it's hostler and pointed it at his temple, keeping the chain on his throat.

Junior choked and scratched at his throat, his legs kicking at the floor.
"Get these chains off my wrists."
I ordered and the men remained still.

Junior stopped scratching at the chain suddenly and he brought his left leg up. He grabbed a small knife from his sock and shoved it backwards, towards my hip.

I quickly dodged it then grabbed it from his hand and it shoved it into his side.

He shouted out in pain and I turned the safety off of the gun, pushing it harder against his temple.

"Get these chains off or I kill him."
I hissed when suddenly Maxwell pulled the blade out of his side and shoved it into my hip.

I groaned and released him. He grabbed the gun and slammed it as hard as he could against my temple.

I fell to the ground as my vision began to go blurry and I blacked out.


I woke up in a bright room that smelled of rubbing alcohol and sanitizer.

I groaned, turning my head away from the bright light in my face. My wrists and ankles were tied down, restricting my movement.

I let my eyes adjust before looking around. The room was white everywhere, white walls, white roof, white floor.

It's lights were blinding. I realized it was their infarmary. I glanced down at my hip and sighed, spotting the stitches on it.

I could suddenly hear talking and I looked towards the door. Junior walked into the room followed by the two men and a smaller man.

The smaller man walked over and quickly examined me.
"He's good to go."
He announced and the two men untied me from the bed I was on. They grabbed me and dragged me out of the room.

I was dragged down a cold hallway and brought back into my cell. They chained me back up against the wall and left me.

I noticed the jug of water along with a giant pale was in one of the corners I could not reach.

I closed my eyes and curled into the wall. Waiting for sleep, or for Junior and the men to come back in.

Eventually I fell asleep instead.

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