Twenty Seven

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Lincoln's POV

One month later

I pushed at the rims of the bucket, trying to pull my head back up as the men held me underwater.

I was pulled back up from the bucket and I coughed, choking on the water in my throat.

I glared at Maxwell as he leaned against the wall, watching his men do his dirty work.

I took a deep breath as they shoved my head back underwater and I remained calm, I wasn't going to fucking drown.

Not by these bastards. When I was pulled back up to air a man was handing Junior a couple of photos and whispering something to him as Junior smirked.

The man was familiar. I knew him. It was Bryce. He worked as a spy for me but obviously was a fucking traitor.

I was shoved back underwater and held down longer. My grip on the bucket tightened as my jaw clenched and I was pulled back up.

"Thats enough, for now."
Junior commented and I was shoved back against the wall. The men moved the bucket and I glared at Junior as he smirked at me.

"Your men, that you said were coming to save you, showed up at my mothers summer home, expecting you and I to be there. So it's safe to say they're not close to finding us."
He told me and I remained silent.

"Oh! Best part, this really made my day. Look at these photos Bryce got for us!"
He exclaimed and turned the photos he held in his hands around for me to see.

The first photograph was of John and Anastasia. He was really close to her and they were standing in front of the main doors.

I couldn't tell if they were angry or happy, but I did notice the men with guns behind them.

Junior showed me the next photo and I remained silent. Anastasia and John were standing in front of each other, smiling. In my bedroom.

John only wore his under shirt and Anastasia seemed to be only wearing a large suit shirt that went down past her butt.

Max showed me the last picture and I glared up at Max after looking at the photo.

Anastasia was leaning against John's chest and he had his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"You aren't tricking me. I know what these are."
I spat and Junior smirked.
"Funny how close they seem since you're gone, huh? Maybe they purposely went to the wrong place, maybe they aren't even really looking."
He commented and I glared at him.

I rolled my eyes then looked away and leaned against the wall before closing my eyes.

"Really? For all we know your wife is cheating on you with your right hand man."
Junior commented and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"They're photos. I don't know whats going on but I know Anastasia and John aren't doing what you think they're doing."
I replied and he huffed, throwing down the photos and left the room.

I picked up the photos and found another amongst the group that Junior hadn't showed me.

It was a close up shot of Anastasia. I couldn't tell where she was because the photo only showed her face.

I held up the photo, dropping the others and ran my fingers over her face.

She had bags under her eyes, the lights in her eyes gone. Her lips were turned down in a frown and her skin was pale.

Her eyebrows were knotted together as some stray pieces of her hair sat loosely on her forehead and cheeks.

I continued to stare at her until I heard someone coming into the room. I quickly hid the photo underneath my worn out blanket as Junior walked back in.

He grabbed the photos and tossed them into the barely burning fire. He glared at me and I glared back.

"She's pregnant. Just so you know. Your wife."
Junior lied and I rolled my eyes.
"I've only been gone a couple of days. If she was pregnant I would have known. Do the math. Plus she was on the pill."
I replied and Junior kicked me in the stomach before leaving.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall. I then thought about it, if it was possible for Anastasia to be pregnant.

I highly doubted it. Junior was obviously just trying to get some reaction out of me.

I closed my eyes and rested on my side before pulling out the photograph I had hid.

I stared at it for awhile, studying Anastasia's face and tried to picture her when she was happy.

All I could think about was her. If she was ok, if she was safe. I couldn't imagine the condition I'd be in if she had been taken instead of me.

I sighed and put the photo back underneath the blanket and tried to get comfortable.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I was hoping Junior and his men wouldn't come back in for awhile.

I didn't really know what time it was anymore so I tried to sleep as much as I could.

Although right now I was guessing it was only the middle of the day. They had woke me up, I was guessing early morning, beat me then fed me and left me alone.

Until about half an hour ago when they came back and kept trying to drown me.

I'm so tired. This place is exhausting me, and I haven't even been here that long.

I sighed and cleared my mind. I just needed a bit more sleep. A bit more sleep then I could take the beatings and drownings for a bit longer.

But I was too tired right now. Too tired.



I fell onto my side, groaning and holding my head. I glared up at the very drunk Max and he glared back.

Who the hell gave this kid booze?

I glanced at the wall where he had slammed my head against it, over and over.

"You act like this is just some stupid get away!"
He shouted and moved to kick me. I grabbed his leg and tripped him, causing him to land hard on his back.

He tried to shout but I covered his mouth with my hand.
"You're lucky I'm not going to kill you right now because I'm to weak to escape."
I hissed and he stared at me.

"But you're not lucky enough that I'm not about to beat your ass."
I added and his eyes widened.

I slammed his head against the ground and he groaned. I punched him hard then threw him up against the wall.

I slammed his head against it and he dropped to the ground. I slammed my knee against his face and he tried to move away from me.

I grabbed his collar and kicked him in the face, then the ribs and stomach, over and over.

Until he sat up and threw up blood at my feet. I punched him again and he fell over onto his side.

I climbed ontop of him and slammed his head against the ground until he stopped moving and fighting against me.

I released him and he fell limp against the ground, his eyes closed. I leaned in close to his mouth to make sure he was still breathing. He was.

I looked down at him then dragged him over to where I always pissed and tossed him down in that corner, but not before taking his gun.

I hid it near the fireplace, amongst the embers and ashes then took some of the embers and shoved it into his hostler.

I rested on my blanket and closed my eyes, my head pounding. I needed some rest before I escaped, but I had to figure out how to get home.

I fell back asleep quickly, despite the pounding in my head and ringing in my ears.

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