Thirty Three

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I woke up in bed next to Lincoln. I glanced at the clock and sighed. It was almost noon.

My dress was in the laundry basket and there was a bunch of dirty makeup wipes next to me on my nightstand.

I was in my silk nightgown and I smiled, turning towards Lincoln. He had his arms wrapped around me and I softly cupped his face.

I pecked his lips and he slowly woke up, looking at me. I smiled at him and he tiredly smiled back at me.

"Good morning."
I whispered and he yawned.
"Good morning."
He replied and pecked my lips. I rested my head on his chest and he sighed.

"What do you want to do today?"
He asked and I shrugged.
"What do you want to do?"
I whispered and he sighed.

He opened his mouth to respond when someone knocked on the door.
"Are you guys decent?!"
John called and I chuckled.
I replied and Lincoln huffed.

John walked into the room and sighed.
"We have a meeting today, in fifteen minutes actaully, and then you have another meeting, ten minutes after that. So hurry up, I'll meet you in your office."
John told Lincoln and I groaned.

John left the room and Lincoln sighed, resting next to me.
"You can lay in bed and relax while I go to those meetings."
He muttered and I groaned again.

"Don't act like this."
He said, grabbing my hip and I huffed.
"I wont be able to relax. I'm going to have to get up. I'll be so bored."
I muttered and he sighed, slowly sliding his hand up from my hip.

"Just, relax. I'll be back before you even realize."
He whispered and I smirked. I grabbed his hand and led it onto my breast. I hooked my arm around his neck and brought his ear closer to my mouth.

"Then help me relax before you go."
I whispered and his hand formed around my breast, his other hiking up my night gown.

He slid his hand into my underwear and I took a sharp inhale of breath, slightly tensing at the coldness of his fingers.

"Just relax."
He whispered into my ear and my eyes closed, while I wrapped my arms around his neck.


I finished brushing my teeth and sighed, walking out of the bathroom. I went over to the bed and stripped the sheets off.

I balled up the cover, the sheet and the pillowcases before throwing them into the laundry basket.

I peaked my head out into the hallway, to make sure it was clear before quickly walking over to the hallway closet.

I opened the closet and picked out a new pair of sheets and a cover, along with matching pillow cases.

I shut the closet door just as Lincoln's office door opened and two men walked out, followed by John and Lincoln.

John's eyes widened when he saw me and he motioned for me to move and I nodded. I was still only wearing my mid thigh length night gown, and my panties of course.

I made a run for the bedroom, but I felt eyes on me and I glanced back at the group of men.

Lincoln was staring right at me, with this look in his eyes and I walked into the bedroom.
"Excuse me gentlemen, I have some....more business to attend to. John will show you out."
Lincoln announced as I shut the bedroom door and my eyes widened.

I tossed the sheets and everything on to the bed then the bedroom door opened.

I looked back at Lincoln, as he slowly shut the bedroom door and locked it. I smiled at him and he smirked, walking over to me.

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