Fathers never stop

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The man was old, with a rough voice. He wore a neat haircut with a freshly shaved beard. You assumed that he was of the board members because he did not speak as much as the other members around the table. This man fascinated you and you wanted to find out more from him.

"What do you think miss (y/n)?"

All eyes were on you ...

"Well- uhm I"

"She understands and thinks it will be a great idea to sign the company onto our name,"said Jungkook in a very professional manner while holding your leg under the table.

"Very well then, once you get married, the company will be signed under your name and you will be the new owners of our very successful business. A lot of training will be required but we will sort that out at a later stage,"said your father while staring at both you and Jungkook.

"Meeting dismissed,"Jungkook's father finished and all the board members left the room except for the old man who you stared at. "Hey Jungkook who is-"

"Don't you recognize your own grandfather, Jeonie?"asked the man while standing up from the table.
Jungkook stared at the man and looked him up and down multiple times. "Grandad is this you? You look so young and free!"Jungkook excitedly spoke while hurrying towards him to give him a huge hug.

Jungkook's grandfather initially started the company, but unfortunately he did not have enough capital to start the business. He therefore signed the company over to your father and Jungkook's father's name since they were practically best friends at that time who didn't further study after high school. They however had the knowledge of starting up a business so they took the company onto their name.

"What are you doing here?"Jungkook asked his grandfather. "That's enough questions for now Jeonie, but shouldn't you start planning your wedding?"he asked while eyeing both you and Jungkook. "We have not planned it yet nor have we set a date,"Jungkook explained.

"Of course you have set a date, son. The family got the invitation..."

You and Jungkook stared at each other...

"Your wedding is in three weeks time,"he said while handing you the invitation.


Tutoring the rich boy....jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now