Act 2: Scene 10

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We are in the Potter's house again. All signs of the funeral are gone, except for the large portrait of GINNY on the mantlepiece. The front door opens. A flurry of snow bursts in with HARRY, JAMES, LILY, and ALBUS, all dressed for the cold. They close the door quickly and look around rather glum, then take off their winter scarves and coats.

HARRY: So — who's hungry?

HARRY fights to smile, trying to persuade his family (and himself) that everything is okay.

How do, uhm, toasted sandwiches sound? And gherkins. Those are your favorite, right Al?

ALBUS (gruffly): When I was seven.

HARRY: Yes. (beat) Sorry.

JAMES: That sounds brilliant, Dad. I'll put the kettle on.

HARRY: Thank you, James. Al... sorry, Albus... give your brother a hand with lunch, will you?

JAMES heads to the kitchen, ALBUS follows submissively. LILY looks through the house with a weak frown.

LILY: You didn't decorate for Christmas.

HARRY: Well, this is our first year without Mum, and... I thought we could decorate the house — together. Perhaps we can make some changes. Do things a new way — in our style. What do you think?

LILY (starting to cry): But I liked the way Mum did it.

They hug. This is difficult.

HARRY: I'm sorry — about your mum. I know we don't talk about her enough — but I hope you know — I'm sorry — it's rubbish — what happened to her — to you. It's not easy doing this alone — without her — y'know?

HARRY and LILY hug for a long time. Then HARRY watches LILY walk over to the fireplace mantle, where the enchanted portrait of GINNY smiles sweetly down at her. HARRY uses his wand to clean up the front hall. Bookbags sort themselves into cubbies, coats hang themselves onto hooks, and wet boots shake off their slush like a group of tiny wet dogs.

LILY (to HARRY): You should start keeping a diary. Mum did. She kept it in the old biscuit tin on the top shelf.

HARRY: I know. I've hidden it away in our bedroom. (beat) Have you read it?

LILY shakes her head.

LILY: Have you?

HARRY shakes his head.

ALBUS (from off): Where's the clock?

HARRY (loudly): Pop is fixing it back at the Burrow. (normal volume, to LILY) It's not strong enough for magic.

LILY: Too many Muggle components.

HARRY nods.

Dad, if the clock is broken, how will we know if Teddy's okay?

HARRY swallows hard. He hasn't considered this. ALBUS exits the kitchen and starts to head upstairs. HARRY looks at ALBUS, desperate to reach out. He stops his son. An owl appears at the front window and begins tapping on the glass. ALBUS tries to sidestep HARRY, who won't let him. ALBUS sighs and fakes a smile.

ALBUS: Hello, Dad. Is something wrong?

HARRY: Yes. You could say that. Can we talk?

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