Act 3: Scene 13

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They are returned from time. The station is filled with sunlight, as before, but instead of people in sharp suits going about their day — robed Ministry officials are cleaning up the disaster HARRY and DRACO left behind. Other forces stand guard with KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT, wands drawn. At center stage stands PERCIVAL CLEARWATER, his expression a study in controlled fury. ETHEL approaches, holding a book.

ETHEL (gently): The Muggles are handled. We've searched every nook and cranny, Minister Clearwater. They're not here.

PERCIVAL: The reports are consistent. They never left King's Cross.

HARRY and DRACO peek out from behind the ticket counter as PERCIVAL takes the book from ETHEL.

DRACO: What is that?

HARRY: Rita Skeeter's tell-all.

PERCIVAL (loudly): Come out, Harry. There's no use hiding.

PERCIVAL opens the book to a marked page and reads.

"The fact is, dear truth seekers, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named split his soul into eight equal parts, seven Horcruxes, the seventh being transferred into a living child on the very night he became an orphan. The name of that child is Harry Potter. This was made known to the most pious deceiver, Albus Dumbledore, and yet he did everything in his power to keep Potter alive. Now, the last surviving fragment of Tom Riddle's soul resides in the man who stands as the Head of Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic. The very establishment, I should remind you, that Potter has been keen to overthrow for years. If you are not concerned at reading this revelation, you should be."

A group of Aurors arrive with DELPHI. They are brought up to speed by SHACKLEBOLT. DELPHI looks concerned as PERCIVAL closes the book and holds it above his head.

Enough lies, Potter. It's over. Stand and face me.

DRACO does stand up, wincing in pain.

HARRY (to DRACO, surprised): What are you doing?

DRACO: They'll find us eventually. Let me provide you with cover.

HARRY: Really? Why are you so willing to help me?

DRACO: Are you joking? I don't want to be anywhere near you, once the curses start flying.

DRACO smirks in a way only he can do in a situation like this. There is a brief moment of comradery between them. The lifelong adversaries have reached common ground for the first time. HARRY stops him from leaving.

HARRY: Draco... Thanks.

DRACO: I wouldn't go picking out matching luggage just yet, Potter. (beat) Get free. Do your... 'boy who lived' thing. Fix this, yeah? I should be able to buy you fifteen minutes.

DRACO steps out from behind the ticket counter. He flexes his leg — he's in a lot of pain. The Ministry forces notice and regroup around PERCIVAL.


DRACO (in a chipper tone): Minister. Fine weather we're having, wouldn't you say?

PERCIVAL (suspiciously): You were involved in this unlawful duel. Where's Potter?

DRACO prepares to deliver his most eloquent lie. But, of course, he doesn't.

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