Chapter 3: The Boss

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I made my way through the forest, walking past multiple trees. Some of the trees gave directions to other locations, but I continued going straight. I was determined to reach the encampment by this evening. With my satchel now holding more than just the book, the letter, and the stone, I had to be more cautious to watch my own back. I got a feeling of dread, but I shook it off and continued on. I was navigating myself entirely on a map I had bought from a shop back in Ake. I was constantly checking on the map, making sure I was on the correct way to Mythic Forest. Something strange happened as I got deeper in the forest. As I went further and further away from Ake, I could feel the stone in my bag draining of energy. Don't ask me how I knew, I just felt it. I stopped only once to eat and drink what I had bought, I didn't want to waste any time. I took Clark's advice on the Rangers hunting from trees and made sure to keep a close eye. Several hours went by and I was still wondering into a deep forest. No sign of movement and nothing out of the ordinary. After a few more steps, I was reassured I was on the right path. I saw a sign on a tree, obviously made from the bones of multiple unlucky souls who happened to come across the Rangers.

"Danger! Ranger property! Do not Cross!" I guess they were finally settling down and staying in one spot for a while. With this sign, I continued on, more determined than ever to end this charade and get this over with. I got the impression I was being watched very quickly. I stopped for a minute to listen closely, but I couldn't hear anything. I still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I looked around in the trees, but I couldn't see anything. Nothing was on the branches, nor in the leaves, but I knew I was being watched. Looking back on the trail I gave a deep sigh, tightened the strap on the satchel, then I started sprinting as quickly as I could straight ahead, dodging several incoming trees. Suddenly, the trees started moving on their own! Those weren't actual trees, they were Trevenants! Arms reached out to seize me, but I moved too quickly for them to catch me. More figures appeared up ahead, this time, I could definitely tell it was Rangers. They stood there, poised to attack. I unclipped my scythe and charged forward, ready to strike. We clashed in a fury of blows. One of the Rangers tried striking me with his claws. I deflected the blow with ease with my scythe, the hit him with the handle of my scythe. Another tried to hit me straight in the gut. I led his punch, throwing him off balance, then slashed down with my scythe, leaving a large wound in his back. Others from nowhere and joined the fight. Before I knew what was going on, I was surrounded by Pokémon of all species. I stood there in the center, keeping them back with my scythe.

"You got a death wish punk?" One of them snapped out.

"You've got a lot of nerve coming into our territory." Another barked out.

"I can't wait to take that armor and make a nice necklace out of it." Another smirked.

"Try me." I replied. "I assure you, you won't like what happens next."

"Ohoho! Aren't you feeling bold?!" One voice scoffed. I continued to stare down everyone around me, then I heard something behind me.

"More are coming! Four more!" A voice from behind shouted. It was the others! They followed me!

"I don't have time for this." I sighed. I sprinted forward, cutting my way through the crowd. The group pursued after me. They were determined to catch me and kill me, but I wasn't about to let that happen. More trees began moving. Again, arms reached out to seize me, but I dodged with ease, cutting my way through anything that stood in my way. I was easily leaving my pursuers in the dust, but something made me stop. A white fog covered my vision, I was unable to see anything up ahead. I knew I wasn't going to do anything in this environment, so I turned back around, but they had already caught up. I was once again surrounded by Rangers.

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