Answer the Question J!

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"Joshua William the third!"

Josh was sitting out the window, hanging his feet inside Tylers room.

"Sure, Ty?"

He sounded annoyed, but he wasn't, the truth is that everytime he was around Tyler his heart fluttered at the speed of light.

Ty took a chug of his cheap beer, setting it down next to a sleeping Frank.

"Truth or dare?"

Joshua chuckled a little and rolled his eyes.


Tyler had his arms resting on his knees, he began bouncing his leg up and down.

"Why the hell do you hang out with me and my friend if you're so innocent and,,, perfect?"

Josh just sat there for a while, he flung his legs out the window and began to scoot further outside.

"Answer the Question J!"

Frank jumped awake, deciding he was too hung over so he went back to sleep.

Josh sat at the edge of the roof.

"Maybe I don't want to be the way I am. Please change me."

He turned around and met eyes with the brunette boy standing at the window, his eyes like golden orbs of light.

And then he jumped, landing on the porch and walking away.

Truth or Dare, Boy [TYSH]Where stories live. Discover now