The Park With Ashly

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"So why did you bring me down to the park?"

Ashley and I sat on the rusted over, and very squeaky swing set.

"What's that one game-"

truth or dare

"that you and-"


"tyler always played?"

I didn't give her an answer but i'm sure she could tell from my face that my head was spinning and my heart felt like it cracked into a thousand little pieces, like a sad broken mirror.

"I don't know, I can't think of anything off the top of my head."

It was silent again but now sadness hung in the air like thick fog and the icy wind made it all more depressing.

"I was just wondering, it seemed like you two always had fun together. I wanted to bring that happiness back into your life-"

My bones felt like heavy stones, and my heart was like a jagged boulder.

Tyler and I did always have fun and I hate that other people started noticing that the break up was hurting me too.

I had to make it seem like there was never anything there in the first place, for the family reputation.

Which is fucking dumb.

"-anyways. Why don't we play truth or dare?"

of course. she must've known the game all along, just tried to get me to open up about tyler.

"Uhm, ok. Truth or dare?"

Ashly kicked her feet and gave me a devilish smirk

"I choose dare"

I looked around the small town park, which wasn't very busy because of the chilly weather during the early spring.

"Ok, go walk across the frozen lake"

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