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(Not edited)

It was quiet, I stood there next to Tyler feeling numb as my mind began racing. What if he didn't want to invite his family? Is he mad at me? Shit, I ruin everything.

After a little too long of waiting in silence, I sat down on Ty's bed. Bringing my knees up to my chest and cupping my face in my hands.

"Hey, Joshie. Are you okay? Did you hear me?" My shoulders gently shook, Tyler's soothing voice ringing through my ears "I said thank you, I really miss my family, and it would be really nice to introduce every one to each other. What's wrong, love?"

Tyler wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him

"You didn't say anything. I thought you were mad at me. I fuck everything up"

A shaky breathe left my mouth, leaving my body trembling as I slowly eased into Tyler

"No, just a bit shocked. I haven't seen or talked to my brother in a while, I don't really connect with my family either. We're all a little broken"

I nodded, keeping my eyes glued open but completely relaxing into Tyler's embrace

He planted light kisses behind my ear, rubbing his hands up and down my back.

The door creaked open once again, Tyler's eldest brother poking his head in

"Are you ready, Ty?"

I went to pull away out of instinct, but before I could, Tyler pulled me closer by my waist

"Mhm, I'm jus gonna change real quick. Is every one else ready?"

Jay turned around, seeing Zack walk out his room, closing the door behind him and walking down stairs

"I think so. Zack is waiting down stairs already"

Tyler hummed, turning around and walking to his closet. Jay gave me a smile before he gently closed the door, leaving me and Tyler alone again

"You want something to wear? You did wear those clothes the other day"

Tyler stripped his shirt off, taking a different one off a hanger, his back towards me as he talked

"Uh, sure. If anything will fit"

Tyler scoffed, grinning to himself as he threw a sweatshirt at me

"Oh hush now, you're perfect Joshua William Dun-" Tyler turned around, a sly smirk on his face as he walked over to me

I gulped hard, our faces only inches away

"And you'd look even cuter in my clothes. In my arms"

He looked down at my lips, then back up to my eyes, I was melting just staring into his caramel eyes.

He stood up properly. Walking back towards his closet. Throwing loose, baggy jeans at me as he slipped on some oversized sweat pants

"Take your time. I'm gonna have a drag before we leave"

Ty walked over to his window, opening it up before lighting a cigarette and placing it in his mouth

I took this time to change as his back was to me

I slipped the shirt on over my head, slyly taking a quick glance over towards Tyler, he hung his head close to the window, slouched over and leaning on the window seal

I carefully walked where he stood, so lightly rubbing my fingers down his back as I kissed his neck, just below his ear

He groaned quietly, leaning his neck to the side, blowing out smoke from his lungs as he hung his hand out the window

"What do you think you're doing Joshua?"

Tyler asked, flicking his burnt out cigarette outside and closing the window

He turned to me, placing his hands on my hips

"We don't have time for this right now, love. Now go out your pants on and let's leave before you get me riled up"

He displayed a toothy smirk that sent shivers down my spine as I nodded obediently

I walked towards his bed, stripping my pants off, leaving me in my boxers. I bent down, picking up the jeans he gave me

I felt eyes burning into me as I bent over, I knew Tyler was looking at my ass

"Thought you said we didn't have time for that?"

I grinned slyly, although he couldn't see. You could hear the playfulness in my tone of voice

"Mmm, I'm not so sure now. Maybe we can make a little time"

I gasped as I felt his hands on my hips once again, this time, pressing himself into me

My bum, to be exact

"Tyler, move. I need to put my pants on"

Tyler eventually gave in with a loud sigh. He piled away from me and continued watching from a far.

Not in a creepy way, but in a loving way that was laced with lust

Truth or Dare, Boy [TYSH]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ