Ty Guy!

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Soon enough, Joshua found himself dancing to the loud music with another body next to him. Not like many of the adolescents would remember any of this the next day.

Eventually deciding to find the snacks, Joshua walked away from the crowded living room and into the slightly empty kitchen.

Slightly, empty.

There, sitting on the counter top, was the one, the only, Tyler Joseph.

"Aye, Ty Guy! Why aren't you dancing with everyone else?"

Joshua asked, speaking rather loud even though the music was much quieter in this room

"Because you can't smoke a bowl while jumping around and being thrown around in a crowded room"

the boy shrugged as he pulled out his lighter, Joshua just giggled, joining Tyler on the counter top.

"Can I have some?" Tyler blew out the smoke and looked over at Joshua like he was crazy

"I mean yah, but I'm surprised you actually want it. With out being forced by a dare"

Joshua shrugged "Let loose, remember? Just doin what I'm supposed to"

but that was a bit of a lie, yes, he was letting loose for once. But he also wanted it for himself.

But he wouldn't let Tyler know that.

Not yet at least.

He shivered, handing it back to Tyler as they passed it back and forth.

"Alright, so Ty Guy. Truth or dare?"

Tyler sipped on his drink next to him, answering saying truth

"Would you kiss me?"

Tyler choked on his drink, staring at Joshua.

Did he really just ask that so confidently? No no, he's drunk, and high. Remember?

"Uhm, yah... I would"

before Tyler could fully form the words Joshua blurted out

"Do it"

Tyler just looked at him


Joshua shrugged, moving his eyes from Tyler's face onto their feet

"I mean, well, will you do it? Like... now"

Tyler chugged down the rest of his drink

"That was two questions Joshie, and a dare"

Joshua nodded and shrugged

"I suppo-" but he was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into his.

With out hesitating, he kissed back. It was intense, or it felt like it.

The whole world spinning, melting into blurs of colors and random slurred words as the beat of the music made their finger tips numb.

The brunette pulling and playing with the blue haired boys hair.

Joshua groaning and moving his hand from Tyler's shoulder down to his chest.

Then, as quickly as it happened, it was gone.

The world coming into focus again and the words clear.

"Ty-" was all Joshua could say before being interrupted

"It wasn't a dare or a question. I've been wanting to do that for a while now Joshie"

Truth or Dare, Boy [TYSH]Where stories live. Discover now