Cafe Time

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(Tyler POV)

I opened the door to the corner cafe, holding it open for my eldest brother, my younger siblings following behind him, I plant a light kiss on Joshua's cheek as he walks by before I shut the door.

My brother is standing at counter while my younger siblings chat away. Sitting in a booth, my sister sitting on her chair backwards with her cap on and baggy clothes

I always admired my sister and her confidence. She didn't care about gender rolls or gender expectations. It was really nice and refreshing seeing a young girl go out the box

"Ty, Josh, what do you guys want?"

I turned my focus to my brother, shaking my head gently

"No, don't worry about it. I'll buy our food"

Jay huffed and shrugged "if you say so" as he reached into his back pocket for his wallet

I turned to Joshua

"What do you want baby?"

Josh blushed, playing with the sleeves of his sweater while he looked at his feet

While it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen, I knew I couldn't watch all day

"I'll just have a latte"

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