The Others Memory

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I sat in the darkened cement basement, the faint smell of wet concrete invading my nose.

Itt had been raining a lot lately,

So of course my room had to be in the basement

Where all the leaks are.

I don't mind though, I had too many other things bothering me to pay any mind to these small inconveniences.

I had Tyler to think about.


Oh how sweet that name sounds.

How bitter sweet the memories are.

I felt tears prickle in my eyes.

Here comes the flashbacks.

Oh god.


"No Tyler, I said we can't keep doing this"

I picked up my things, trying my hardest not to break down and fall over

"Josh, come on baby. Don't do this. Stop and talk to me"

Tyler pleaded, I felt so much guilt rush through me.

I just wanted to sit down and talk to him properly.

"I am talking to you Tyler, and no. I don't have time. So either talk to me now or don't talk at all"

I quickly looked up at the ceiling, trying to find another place to put my tears so they wouldn't fall down my cheeks.

I couldn't stand the sight of Tyler right now.

"Why Josh? Why are you doing this?"

Tyler looked up at me, I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

It broke me inside.

Tyler stood in front of the open door way, trying to block my way out.

He was making this so hard on me.

But I just pushed passed him.

I had to.

Before I couldn't act strong anymore.

I rushed down the stairs and swiftly grabbed my coat of the coat rack, I needed to get away

As fast as possible.

I threw my coat on over my shoulders, hoping Tyler didn't follow me, I couldn't keep breaking him.

It was killing me.

But of course,

He followed.

"Joshie, please. Don't leave me. I promise everything will be ok, we'll work whatever this is out. Just, please, don't leave me"

Tyler held hands tightly against his chest, like his heart was going to fall out and land on the floor in pieces.

He blinked fast, fighting off tears.

That's it.

I can't watch him anymore.

I need to leave.

And then I opened the door.

And he broke down,

Sobbing on the entry way floor.

I'm so sorry, Tyler.

I slipped out the door

I love you, Tyler.

"Bye, Tyler."

We're the last words ever said between us.

-flashback over-

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