Ice Cream

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My nights in the hospital were restless, and they didn't seem any better at home after being discharged, either.

I had 3 different pills to take on a daily basis now. Although I probably would sell most of them for some extra side cash.

I had drugs and nicotine I could cope with instead, already spending most of my nights with a beer in my hand.

My brother has been working even more jobs lately, trying to pay off the hospital bills and I barely had enough energy to go to work myself.

My poor siblings is all that was running through my mind today.

I sat up from the couch, where I've been staying lately. That stale-grey, memory inducing room unbearable to even walk past. That is where everything happened after all.

I stretched my limbs, yawning and taking a deep breath.

I haven't gone to school after being hospitalized during that party that happened almost 2 weeks ago.

Leaving the house was a rare occasion too. My friends would stop by almost every day, each one checking on me, and when I couldn't move some days, they would baby sit my siblings.

Not today though. Today has been pretty manageable, it would be a nice day to take my brother and sister for some Ice Cream.

"Madi, Zack! Get your little butts down here!"

I grabbed my wallet out my back pocket and began sorting through some dollar bills. Counting out exactly $10. Five for Madison and five for Zack.

"Yes, Tyler?"

I rolled my eyes at her proper sounding tone of voice.

"I'm taking you two out for some ice cream, come on. Let's go"

The younger kids looked at each other, excitement and youthful bliss displayed across their baby faces.

We slipped our coats on and made our way outside, down the concrete steps and into my faux leather car seats.

"Ice cream shop, here we come!"

Their cherry lips pulled into crimson smiles, cheerily giggling as I sped around the corner, definitely going above the speed limit. But it was worth it, as long as I got to see their happiness showing.

(Haven't properly wrote in a long ass time, kinda proud of this chapter tbh. Even tho it still sucks)

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