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[Y'all aren't ready >:) ]

(Josh POV)

I woke up with my head laying on a semi fluffy pillow, something heavy on top of me

I rubbed the sleep out my eyes, half panicking after looking around and not recognizing anything in my room

I looked down, relaxing and melting even further into the bed, the stress disappearing when I remembered I was in Tyler's room

He laid between my legs, arms wrapped tightly around my hips with his head resting on my stomach

I smiled to myself, blushing and looking away. Although he couldn't see me, I still felt embarrassed

I reached my hand out, lacing my fingers in Tyler's hair. I was almost magnetically connected to him, I needed him as close as possible

I stared up at the ceiling, my breath shaky and uneven as I ran my fingers through his hair, tracing his jawline. The tips of my fingers lightly dipping under the collar of his shirt.

I held my breath, becoming still with my heart racing. A soft pair of lips latched onto my hand, lightly kissing the top of my hand and finger tips. I squeezed my eyes shut, Tyler grabbing and massaging my thigh.

"Morning" Tyler's raspy voice said between kisses. "M-morning" I barely choked out. Gasping as he lifted my shirt and started kissing my stomach.

"Sleep well?" I nodded my head quickly, mumbling a quick 'yes' when I realized Tyler couldn't see me nodding. Tyler worked his way up my torso, stopping right above my belly button. With out thinking I firmly pushed his shoulder, not because I wanted to push him away, I just didn't know how to handle these feelings

"Should I stop?" Tyler sat up, as far away as possible as he held my hand. I shook my head quickly, squirming and pulling Tyler closer by his hand. I could barely see the smirk across his face before he leaned in, kissing and biting at my neck and collar bone.

I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut again. "You're too cute, Hun" Tyler lightly laughed before he laid beside me, pulling me into his chest while he rubbed small circles onto my back.

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