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Josh paced back and forth against his hard concrete flooring.

He has been extremely nervous ever since this morning when he found out he had a project with the one boy who he loved the most, and it's prolly going to be very awkward.

He remembers what happened that night, clear as day, or, well, clear as night.

There's not a second that goes by where he isn't thinking about Tyler Joseph, the popular bad boy everyone wanted to have.

But for some unknown reason to Josh, Tyler wanted him.

For the longest time.

The words flashed through Joshua's head, sending shivers down his spine.

It's only been two days and still no contact with Tyler, even two hours is too long.

Joshua had grown quite used to being around Tyler and his crazy schemes, not to mention, the game that started it all, truth or dare.

Man, it was weird not doing that every day.

He really wanted to talk to Tyler about it, but at the same time he wasn't so sure he actually did want to.

More or less, wanting to feel the boys kiss again.

Or hear his raspy, some how slightly smooth voice.

Breathe in his cologne and honestly, just drinking with him.

Smoking with him.

Josh had missed doing all these thing, but he misses them more when it means doing it with Tyler.

Some how Josh finds himself sitting, being so wrapped up in his mess of a brain.

He decided he needs to do something.

Josh throws on a gray sweatshirt over his blue muscle shirt. He pulls his jeans off and pulls his sweat pants on.

It was a cold night, that's for sure.

He very quietly slipped the house keys into his pocket, turning off the alarm for fourteen seconds and made his way out the door as quick as possible.

Once out side, it was an easy escape.

Using his phone flash light, and memory.

He found Tyler Joseph's house.

Josh tapped the side of his leg, practically begging to no one that Tyler is home.

Josh used the sneaky way up like he's done before.

Climbing up the tree and onto the low roof, walking over to Tyler's window and knocking softly. Joshua sat there, waiting an answer, he began doubting that the brunette boy was home and was about the give up when the window slid open to reveal a very stressed looking boy.


His eyes still looking sweet like honey but slightly glazed over, perhaps from drinking, or crying and most likely both.

Tyler's breathing stopped as he stared at the blue haired mess in front of him

"May I come in?"

Tyler wasn't so sure how to answer, or even form words, so instead he stepped aside. Allowing Josh to crawl through the window.

"Tyler, I know that it probably meant nothing to you that night, and you probably don't wanna talk about this. But I think we need to. I can't lose you and I don't want things messed up between us"

Tyler just lowered his head

"Josh, let me kiss you again"

he mumbled out, low and fast.


Joshua tilted his head, Tyler lifting his own and staring into Josh's eyes.

"That kiss meant the whole fucking world to me, and I don't even care if my room was on fire right now because I would still sit here till it was in ashes just to kiss your perfect lips again. I don't want anyone but you Joshie"

Unable to form a good response, Joshua smiled.

A big, bright, squinty eyed smile.


He breathed.

Tyler nodded, pulling Joshua closer by his waist and leaning in.

Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler, leaving no gap between them as he kissed Tyler's peachy lips.

This is what he needs, more than anything, was Tyler

Truth or Dare, Boy [TYSH]Where stories live. Discover now