Not Boyfriends... Yet

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Brendon and Tyler sat under the bleachers in the school football field, like they've done many times before.

As they waited for the rest of the group, Brendon hummed quietly to himself. Tapping a rhythm on his thigh.

It had been a while since the group have all played instruments together, other than the last school project.

The three of them aced that by the way.

Tyler felt like it had been months, even though it was only about a week or two.

Months since Josh and Tyler kissed

Months since the whole gang hung out

Months since he's focused on anything other than school and the precious Dun boy.

Tyler isn't the typical school nerd, in fact, he usually never cares about school

But when it comes to music, that he's head over heels for.

Especially when it's a project with his best friend

More importantly Joshua Dun.

"Its Tyler - Fucken - Joseph! Sup man?"

Tyler grew taller, puffing out his chest at the threatening sounding voice. Relaxing once he saw it was just Gerared.

"Careful Gee, you're gonna get your ass beat coming out of no where like that"

The three boys laughed while Tyler just shook his head

"Hey Gee, we're just waiting for the twink boyfriends"

Gerard chuckled while Tyler smacked Brendons shoulder

"Joshua is not my boyfriend-"

"Oh yah? Then what is he?"

Brendon tested Tyler

"I don't know!... we're not boyfrien-"

Brendon once again cutting him off

"Come on Tyler, just accept that you both like each other and tell everyone you're dating. I did with Ryan"

Gee and Brendon fist bumping in agreement

Tyler stayed silent, looking down at the ground

"Look.. I understand that we both like each other. But I'm not about to fuck that up..."

Tyler looking up at the other two

"When I ask him out.. I want it to be perfect. For the both of us"

Brendon and Gerard both smirking

Brendon nodded

"Alright Ty, that's fair"

Tyler sighing from relief

"Here comes the twink boyfriends"

Gee spoke up, making Brendon laugh

Tyler grunting in anger,

but he cant deny the fluttering in his chest hearing Josh being referred as his boyfriend.

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