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Tyler doesn't pay much attention to the teacher as he sits in science class.

He's too busy thinking.

About Josh.

Tyler has always known he was either gay or bisexual. But he never really embraced it.

He was only out as questioning to his close friend group and he liked it that way.

He was the popular punk kid with the reputation, almost every girl practically begged to have at least one night with him.

Since this reputation, he decided to cover up his emotions and sexual confusion with, woman.

Woman and sex.

But ever since that small party, when him and Joshua Dun kissed, he's been confused.

More than ever.

He never really thought about any of this or guys, because he kept his mind busy with all the girls that wanted him.

But he has to admit, it gets lonely.

Having no specific person to wake up to, not the same one each day that is.

Not the same pair of lips at night.

Not the same voice to listen to.

Just not the same.

He wants Josh.

Josh and only Josh.

Everything about him.

But he doesn't think Joshua feels the same.

He probably never would have kissed Tyler that night if he wasn't drinking and smoking.

So Tyler blames that whole night on those two things, three things.



And the heat of the moment.

It meant nothing he thought, but in his heart, it meant the whole world.

Jumping slightly from the sudden loud school bell ringing, signaling that it was time for last period.

He has English last, his favorite class in all honest. Other than Phy Ed.

But what made it all even better was that he had Phy Ed with Josh too.

Tyler packed up his things and started walking towards the door, most of the other students already left for their next class, but he took his time.

He was stopped by a grip on his arm, turning around to see who it was and what they wanted, he was surprised to see his teacher there

"Hey, Tyler. I saw that you weren't paying much attention in class today and I just wanted to make sure that you're feeling alright? What's on your mind bud?"

In all honesty, his science teacher was the biggest sweet heart, she looked after her students like they were her own grandchildren.

She was in her late 30s, Tyler thinks she used to be a therapist but he doesn't remember

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Vertoo. Yah, I'm alright. I guess just thinking a lot about... stuff. I'll be sure to pay attention next time"

they finished up having a short conversation and Tyler darted off to his last class

"Alrighty everyone, I know that some of you take music class and have friends in that class. So the music teacher, Mr. Gabby and I have decided that we are going to combine the classes. Singers and writers in my class, with his talented musicians in his class. You will have about three or four people in a group"

some of the class seemed nervous, others excited and some just over all annoyed or uninterested.

Tyler however, was some how all of the above.

"So, I have a list of singers in his class that are writers in here. I have Brendon Urie and Tyler Joseph."

Both boys smiled at each other from across the room, then made their way up to the front of the class.

The teacher finished calling off names, ending the class off 20 minutes early with an announcement

"Alright, I have all the writers and singers paired up. In the back I have papers for each group, you can go see who the instrument players are and the roles you all have, class is over. Please stay in the room till the bell rings"

the room grew louder with conversations, Tyler and Brendon making their way over to the papers.

"Alrighty, we have Brendon Urie, me-"

Brendon rolled his eyes and smiled doing a fake hair flip

"Doing lead vocals, back up pianist. Tyler Joseph, lyric writer, back up vocals. Play multiple instruments of his choice, piano, ukulele, whateverrrr! OOOOO!! We have the main drummer Joshua Dun!"

Tyler rolled his eyes and blushed

"shut up Brendon. Who is it really"

Brendon looked at Tyler with a serious face

"no, like... really. It's Dun"

Tyler's eyes wide and full of panic, little did he know, Josh was doing the same thing

"WHAT!? Lemme see that!"

Tyler ripped the paper out Brendon's hands.

"Well you guys were going to talk at some point, you've been friends for a year now, and it's pretty obvious that you've had a little crush on him since ninth grade"

it was true, but God, Tyler really didn't wanna talk to Josh about it.

But he wanted to feel his lips again.

Okay, so if this didn't make total sense. Basically, The band teacher and the English teacher wanted to combine classes and create a bunch of different little bands for a huge class project. Josh found out in music class earlier that day, since he has it before Tyler, and Tyler just found out now. I think that's all I have to say but I hope this made at least a little bit of sense?? Oki. But. Ily all! <3

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