My Story

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"Father left when Mama got cancer. She fought it and won the battle, for her kids,,, she was killed later on. Abducted and murdered. Everyone was arrested, my baby brothers and sister moved in with our closest relative. My oldest sibling, my brother Jay. Everyone else in the family shunned us when I came out as bi, my brother Zack being gay and my older sister not acting like a girl"

Tyler held his two fingers up and did air quotes on the last part.

"Since my Father left I stole all his cigarettes, he left a lot behind. I didn't smoke them at the time but I saved them. My Ma already had enough to stress about so no matter how I felt I stayed a good kid. When she died I started needed something to distract me. Pot. Alcohol. I started getting addicted, now it's just something I do when my thoughts get loud."

Joshua was too stunned to say anything.


"Yes Joshua"

"I'm glad you were open with me. I think we both needed that"

"Yah, I think we did. Don't take this as a sweet thing, but you were the first person I've ever told my story to"

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