Peacefully Sleeping

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(Not Edited)

His back hit the bed, the fluffy sheets making a 'boof' noise before settling flat

"Jeez, I'm exhausted after that band session"

Tyler placed one hand over his stomach, the other above his head, toying around with long strands of hair

"Agreed, and all I did was watch and sit on the couch"

Josh crossed his arms, sitting down in the window seal

Tyler quietly laughed, Joshua's giggle mixing in with it.

"Why are you all the way over there? You're so far"

Tyler turned his head to the right, looking at Josh.

He held his hand out, opening and closing his fist, calling out to the boy to come here

"There plenty space, I don't bite"

Josh laughed

"Plenty of room? Your bed barely fits you"

Tyler pouted, jutting out his bottom lip and furrowing his eye brows

"That's what this is for"

Tyler rubbed circles on his chest, half smirking

Joshua faked sighed

Giving into Tyler, he stands from the window and walks towards the bed

Josh put both his knees on the bed, crawling on top of Tyler

He wrapped both his arms around Tylers neck, placing his head on Tyler's chest

"Are you comfy babe?"

Joshua hummed, softly nodding his head as he nuzzled into Tyler's side

Tyler played with the blue boys hair, his other arm resting around his waist

He couldn't help but grin to himself, watching as Josh slowly and peacefully fell asleep

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