Bad Timing

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The small frozen over lake became closer every step we took, the frosted grass crunching below our shoes.

My toes were very cold already, I wished to be back on my couch wrapped in not so cozy and lonely blankets.

Although Ashley seemed very confident in the thin ice as she planted her leather boot down.

No cracks; nothing to worry about.

So she took another few steps.

I cringed at the freezing gust of wind.

"Ashley, it's cold and it's starting to get dark. Can we just go back to my place and forget about the stupid dare?"

She took two more steps, almost half way across.

"No!! I'm forcing you to have fun Josh! Even if it takes all night"

I sighed and hugged myself tighter, the thin sweater was not helping very much.

Shadows danced across the ice and I looked around, curious as to what was causing the light.

Until I saw a pair of headlights pull up to the park, the roaring engine shut off but no one exited the car.

Puzzled as to why someone would show up to the park this late, I decided to turn away and put my attention on Ashley again.

She was past the middle, eight more steps and she'd be back on solid ground.

A Familiar shout sent shivers down my spine, as if I was the one walking the ice but made one clumsy move and sunk to the bottom of the frozen lake.

"Ashley! Dun! What's up?"

I couldn't turn.

My head was spinning and my feet felt stuck in the ground, I stood perfectly still.

Deciding now was not a good time to throw up or cry.

Then it all moved in slow motion.

Ashley turned her head around, then her body spun with it.

She raised her hand to wave but slipped on the silky ice, and just like that, down she went.

I couldn't hear Tyler's shouts, or Ashley's cries for help as the ice crumbled more and more.

It was all just a blur, like the night I left his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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